Reference no: EM132356967
When dealing with public health policy and laws, we need to consider various aspects of the economy. Concepts of efficiency can be utilized when deciding which goods and services should be produced and who should receive them.
The three types of efficiencies are allocative, production, and technical. The two types of health economics are positive and normative. Positive Economics deals with "what is" or the current status that is linked to a clear standard of measurement. Normative economics deals with "what ought to be" and is subject to interpretation with the moral or ethical aspects of a policy. Your lecture has more details.
Using South University Online Library or the Internet, search the article, "The Interplay of Public Health Law and Industry Self-Regulation: The Case of Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Sales in Schools."
On the basis of the article and your understanding on the topic, write a 3- to 4-page essay in a Microsoft Word document on the three types of economic efficiencies and both positive and normative economics as it relates to regulating sugar-sweetened beverage sales in schools.
Support your statements with at least two other scholarly sources, correctly formatted in APA style. This assignment requires a title page, an introduction, a body, a conclusion, and a separate reference page.
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