Two standard deviation of the mean

Assignment Help Engineering Mathematics
Reference no: EM13800610

In 2010, the mean property crime rate(per 100,000)for the 24 states west of a river was 3347,the standard deviation was 701,assume the distribution of crime rate is unimodal and symmetric,complete part A through E.

What percentage of western states would you expect to have property crime rates between 2646 and 4048?

What percentage of western states would you expect to have property crime rates between 1945 and 4749?

If someone guessed that the property crime rate in one state west of Mississippi river was 9036, would this number be consistent with the data set?

The upper bound that represents three standard deviation from mean is?......

E) Is 9036 consistent with the data set? (Choose the correct answer)

a) Yes, because 9036 falls within two standard deviation of the mean, so it is likely a state would have this value.

c) Yes, because 9036 falls within one standard deviation of the mean so it is likely a state would have this value.

D) No because 9036falls exactly three standard deviations away from the mean, and it is therefore unlikely that a state would have this value.

Reference no: EM13800610

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