Reference no: EM133301614
Question 1.
What are two foundational books in critical anthropology?
1. Anthropology and the Colonial Encounter and Reinventing Anthropology
2. Death without Weeping and Coming of Age in Samoa
3. Tristes Tropiques and The Elementary Structures of Kinship
4. The Nuer and Argonauts of the Western Pacific
Question 2.
What is another way of saying that postmodernism "kicked the legs" out from under anthropology, a la Carrier?
1. That postmodernism in anthropology, as exemplified by Clifford and Marcus's book Writing Culture, attacked two of the most important contributions anthropology has to offer: the close ethnographic study of different cultures, and the subsequent comparison and contrast of those cultures to find out if we can make any general observations about the human species
2. That the postmodern turn in anthropology rid the discipline of two superfluous, cumbersome and outmoded practices it really didn't need: ethnographic fieldwork and the comparative study of societies
3. That the postmodern turn didn't really have much of an effect on the discipline at all
4. That Carrier is a pessimist