Two examples of management functions

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM131033753

Who is a manager and how do managers make decisions for the future based on today’s information?

For this discussion activity, you will complete a scavenger hunt by seeking out two examples of people who you consider to be great managers, along with two examples of folks who are not doing so well. Include some times when they made decisions (either bad or good) based on imperfect information. These examples can be from current events, historical instances, or classic examples, in video or print.

Conduct a web search seeking two examples of management functions.

Discuss what you found during your web search.

Provide a description of your selected key functions and how these affect the 21st century manager.

In your response:

Discuss any personal experiences you have had with management.

Discuss any similarities or differences with your own perceptions.

Reference no: EM131033753

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