Two-dimensional word puzzle

Assignment Help Python Programming
Reference no: EM13338669

Write a python function called find_words that finds and prints the list of valid words in a two-dimensional word puzzle.

The input arguments for this function are:
input_puzzle # a string of characters with NxN characters
valid_words_list: # a list of valid words separated by white spaces.
The function, find_words, should print the formatted original puzzle, the list of the valid words, and the formatted solved two-dimensional puzzle in capital letters (by removing all the unused characters). See the example below.

You should also write a main program that reads two files:
input_puzzle.txt # This file contains the input puzzle as a string of characters.
valid_words.txt # This file contains a string of valid words (separated by spaces)

General Requirements

At the top of your program, as a comment, include the following information: (you need to replace the "xxx" with an appropriate number or string)

Your name (last_name, first_name)

Your student ID (1000-xxx-xxx)

Date of submission (yyyy-mm-dd)

Homework #

I spent xxx hours on this assignment

I rate the difficulty level of this assignment as : xx {a number between 1 and 10. (10 is the hardest)}

I rate the speed of the coverage of material in this course as: xx {a number between 1 and 10. (10 is too fast)}

My comment about this assignment and the course: [Optional comment]

Rules for naming variables and commenting your program:

You must include proper comments in your program.

Any variable that you use in your program must have a descriptive name (do not use variable names such as "x")

Append the type of the variable to the end of the variable using an underscore. For example (grades_list, average_float, name_str).

If the type of a variable may change in the run time, then append "_mix" at the end of the variable name.

For example (for element_mix in ["yes", "no" , 1, 6]).

Do NOT use all uppercase letters to name a variable. All uppercase variable names all primarily used for constants.


Reference no: EM13338669

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