Tutorials on relational database design

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13874733

Question: Conduct some research online for tutorials on relational database design. Choose three that you think do the best job of teaching you about relational database design. Share your findings with the class, and explain why you chose the three tutorials.

Reference no: EM13874733

Questions Cloud

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Tutorials on relational database design : Conduct some research online for tutorials on relational database design. Choose three that you think do the best job of teaching you about relational database design. Share your findings with the class, and explain why you chose the three tutoria..
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Process on a p-v diagram : Hydrogen is contained in a piston-cylinder device at 14.7 psia and 15 ft3. At this state, a linear spring (F 8 x) with a spring constant of 15,000 lbf/ft is touching the piston but exerts no force on it. The cross-sectional area of the piston is 3..
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Describe the prevention methods that you would implement : Describe the prevention methods that you would implement if domestic violence is not occurring, although you suspect that it could be. Describe the interventions that you would implement if you confirm that domestic violence is occurring


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