Reference no: EM132356972
Lab Report
The purpose of the intro is to:
1. Introduce the topic and build a rationale for the study
2. Introduce relevant content such as definitions and relationships as needed
3. Provide a rationale for the study (for both our hypotheses and for the replication-extension aspect)
4. Provide rationales for the predictions/hypotheses made
Be specific (within reason)
Turn research questions into testable hypotheses (see the research questions in the ‘Background to the study' section of the Lab Report Instructions page). There is no set number of hypotheses but they should map nicely onto the research questions.
See examples of hypotheses from Seminar materials
For between groups analyses:
? What groups are being compared?
? Compared on what?
? What is the predicted outcome (based on literature and reasoning)?
For regression analyses:
? What are the predicted relationships?
? What about combined, individual, and relative effects?
Write your own participants section (see specific requirements as set out in the ‘Method' and ‘Lab Report Instructions' documents) and the rest can be ‘cut-and-pasted' from the ‘Method' document (leave out the reference list information from your Method).
•Descriptives then inferential statistics.
•Table the descriptives (all variables included in ONLY the regression analysis), describe one or two of these descriptives (see ‘example lab
•Your reported stats should correspond to the hypotheses you make
•Write up ANOVA in-text (see seminars 4/5 for APA examples)
•Write up regression in-text (see seminar 3 for APA example)
•Be concise in this section, do not interpret
Frame the story: Restate aims & hypotheses
Address the predictions - Are hypotheses supported?
? What does this mean for past research?
? What does this mean (generally; or for theory)?
? Are there practical implications? (Important)
[Things to include here: overall sample size, gender distribution (raw number and percentage), age range, average and standard deviation].
Participants were asked to enter their age in whole years.
Participants were asked ‘What is your gender?" with response options being "Male", "Female", "Transgender" and "Other". Only Males and Females responded to the current survey, therefore making this a dichotomous variable.
Message Frame Conditions - Experimental intervention
Following Collymore and McDermott (2016) participants were randomly allocated to a questionnaire in which one of six photographs occurred accompanied by a unique health persuasion message. There were two fear-loss framed communications, two gain-framed communications and two disgust-loss framed communications. These text and picture combinations can be seen on page 1911 of Collymore and McDermott (2016). Participants were instructed to look at the photo and read the health-related text to its right, then to complete the remainder of the questionnaire.
Drinking Intentions
Intentions to Reduce Current Levels of Alcohol Consumption was assessed by a question asking participants: To what extent do you intend to reduce your current level of alcohol consumption? This question was answered on a 5-point Likert scale, with higher scores indicating greater intentions to reduce alcohol consumption.
Non-drinking Motives
Following Bekman et al. (2011), five items from the Motives for Abstaining from Alcohol Questionnaire (MAAQ: Stritzke & Butt, 2001) were averaged to create an abbreviated measure summarizing key reasons for not drinking. Each item was rated on a 5 point scale (not at all important to extremely important). This measure has demonstrated strong reliability previously (α = .82; Bekman et al., 2011), as well as in the current sample (α = .89).
Participants were adults who were invited to participate via social media advertisements. The study was conducted via an online survey platform (Qualtrics). Participants who consented to take part in the study were provided a link to the questionnaire. Participants were then randomly assigned to an experimental condition (message framing conditions) and completed the questionnaire.
You do not need to understand or even read every page of every one of these readings. Rather, you need to use them to generate a rationale for our study and your hypotheses. Also, there is no need to go beyond these readings (but you can use secondary citations for the studies that they cite), and you do not need to use them all, but make sure you use enough of them to sufficiently justify our study. Below are some hopefully helpful comments about each paper and what parts might be useful.
Attachment:- Method.rar