Tsk a1create an android project hello world call it

Assignment Help Case Study
Reference no: EM13379999

Task A.1

Create an Android Project (Hello World!). Call it = HomeWorkl

Add 2 Text Fields, the first Text Field should be set to only allow numbers to be inputted. The second text Field should only allow the input of phone numbers.

Add a button, the button when pressed will put a valid number / phone number in the appropriate Text Fields.

Task A.2

Create an Android Project (Hello World! Use the default values!). Call it = HomeWork2

Create two extra activities one called AboutActivity and the other called HelpActivity.


Add 2 Buttons.

One button should allow you to navigate to the AboutActivity.

The second button should allow you to navigate to the HelpActivity.

All buttons on all activities should have appropriate text to inform the user what the button does. eg. Go To About


Add a button which allows you to go back to MainActivity.


Add a button which allows you to go back to MainActivity.

Add textviews where appropriate for all activities and also change colours for background and text.

The TextViews will be used as labels, to label the EditViews so the user knows EditView is Celsius and which EditView is Fahrenheit. One button one will be used to convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit. The other button will be used to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius.

The formula for converting temperatures from Fahrenheit to Celsius is: F2C = (temperature-32) • 5 / 9

The formula for converting temperatures from Celsius to Fahrenheit is: C2F = temperature * 9 / 5 + 32

Basic validation for input is required.

If the user enters a temperature in the Celsius EditView, pressing the convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit will display the result in the Fahrenheit EditView, and this shouldwork for Fahrenheit to Celsius. The application performs the conversion calculation and displays the result.

Task A.4

Refer to the document on moodle called Android - ImageView and ImageButton, you are required to complete the steps listed in the document.

Create an addListenerOnlmageButton() method for the ImageButton, which when clicked, the image will change to the die_one image.
Now add code to generate a random number between 1 and 6, when this number is generated either an if else if structure or a switch statement structure is to be used to set the correct image for the ImageButton (a die roll). Add a second ImageButton which will be made to function like the first ImageButton, so now a dice roll should be possible.

Example: 1 is rolled set the image to be die_one, 2 is rolled set the image to be ditty/0

Task B

Task BA Design and create an application which will allow the user to calculate an IPv4 subnet range. The user must be able to enter a IPv4 address and subnet mask. The application will inform the user of what class of address the IPv4 address is and the range(s) of subnet(s) available depending on the subnet mask entered. An "about" activity is required and a "help" activity. The design should be based on JSP, JSP diagram(s) representing the data used in the application and also JSP diagram(s) showing the program logic. Validation where appropriate needs to be implemented.

Task 8.2 Create an application which would allow the user to store details of a single film actors filmography, this information should be stored in a table in a SQLite database. The user should be able to search for a specific film by date of release and also list all records stored in the table. For a higher grade extra features would need to be implemented such as adding a record for example. The design should be based on JSP, JSP diagram(s) representing the data used in the application and also JSP diagram(s) showing the program logic. Validation where appropriate needs to be implemented.

Reference no: EM13379999

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