Trying to write it java first and then pseudo code

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13810449

A popular diversion in the United States, "word find" (or "word search") puzzles ask the player to find each of a given set of words in a square table filled with single letters. A word can read horizontally (left or right), vertically (up or down), or along a 45 degree diagonal (in any of the four directions) formed by consecutively adjacent cells of the table; it may wrap around the table's boundaries, but it must read in the same direction with no zigzagging. The same cell of the table may be used in different words, but, in a given word, the same cell may be used no more than once. Write a computer program for solving this puzzle.

Trying to write it java first and then pseudo code.

public class WordSearch {

private static ArrayList board = new ArrayList()

private static Scanner scanner

public static void readBoard() {

while (true) {

line = input next line

if (line equals NULL)

exit from loop

Delete all spaces in line, convert to Uppercase and add to board } }

public static void printBoard() {

rows = getRows();

for (row=0 to rows)

print board.get(row); }

public static int getRows() {

return the number of rows }

public static int getCols() {

return the number of columns }

public static void createScanner() {

try {

scanner = new Scanner(new"WordSearchInput.txt")); }

catch (Exception e) {

exit from program } }

public static void processWords() {

while (scanner has a next word) {

word =;

findWord(word); }

public static void findWord(String word) {

rows = get the number of rows

cols = get the number of columns

for (row=0 to rows)

for (col=0 to cols)

findWord(word,row,col); }

public static void findWord(String word, int row, int col) {

for (drow=-1 to 1)

for (dcol=-1 to 1)

findWord(word,row,col,drow,dcol); }

public static void findWord(String word, int row, int col, int drow, int dcol) {

rows = get the number of rows

cols = get the number of columns

for (offset=0 to word.length) {

targetRow = row + offset*drow;

targetCol = col + offset*dcol;

if ((targetRow is less than 0) OR

(targetRow is greater than equal to rows) OR

(targetCol is less than 0) OR

(targetCol is greater than equal to cols))


boardChar = board.get(targetRow).charAt(targetCol);

wordChar = word.charAt(offset);

if (boardChar not equal to wordChar)

// mismatch, so we're done

return }

print (word, row, col, drow, dcol); }

public static void main(String[] args) {




processWords(); } }


Reference no: EM13810449

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