Trusted computer system evaluation criteria

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM13853449

1. This question must be answered in your own words. However, when you use the words of others in any answers, you must use quotation marks and attribute the source right there following APA style recommendations. Also be sure to cite references right there using APA style when you paraphrase the words of others.

2. This is an open-book. You may use any resources in addition to the textbook, such as other books, articles, and the Web. The questions require research beyond the text, lecture notes, and conferences.

3. Adequate answers for the entire examination should run approximately 9 double-spaced pages (3 pages per question) with one-inch margins and 12-point font.

4. Answers will be evaluated on the following criteria: relevance and correctness of content, clarity and logical flow, spelling, grammar, and proper citations/bibliography.

Question 1 The Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria (TCSEC) had several drawbacks.

They include: (1) It only addressed confidentiality aspects and not integrity and availability of security; (2) It focused on operating system products; (3) Its evaluation process was too slow; and (4) It suffered from Criteria Creep.

Recall that criteria creep is the process of refining evaluation requirements as the industry gains experience with them, making the evaluation criteria something of a moving target.

How well did the Common Criteria (CC) address these four problems of TCSEC?

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Reference no: EM13853449

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