True regarding nicotine-sexual discrimination and addiction

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM13129929

1. True regarding nicotine usage:

a. Involuntary acceptance is to understand the risks of smoking and to take those risks for the pleasure of smoking

b. Nicotine is psychologically but not physiologically addicting

c. Nicotine, being addictive, impairs the will, located in the psyche

d. The autopsies performed on nicotine addicts have nicotine deposits in the brain, fingers, and taste buds

e. Nicotine usage and the ensuing addiction frequently lead to an impaired will

2. True concerning sexual discrimination

a. Quid Pro Quo only occurs between peers

b. The “RW” or “RP” standard is used by the courts to indicate whether the alleged victim overacted or was “HS”

c. A man or woman who flirts to excess has no legal grounds for a SH

d. Sexist discrimination is based on sexual arousal and “putting down” a person bc of gender

e. An attempt to prove sexual harassment is greatly hindered or reduced by the victim’s idiosyncrasies or rare sens

3. True concerning the dynamics of sexual discrimination:

a. The word “fuck” in its original root form had sexual connotations

b. The sexual slang words for sexual intercourse all indicated the woman as the subject and the male as being explain

c. Unwanted touching, unwanted sexual jokes, and unwelcome leering all come under Quid Pro Quo

d. Quid Pro Quo is translated as “this for that” and means sex for a raise or promotion

e. Title 9 violations usually occur in the market place

4. Which factors can absolve a company of liability: right ans.?

a. If they can show a zero tolerance toward sexual discrimination

b. If the company has mandatory seminars on the subject

5. Term “permissible paternalism” is used to indicate which of the following:

a. When the government receives permission from the individual to move into a situation

b. To indicate male involvement in a paternity suit

c. The government is justified in taking action when people’s lives are threatened

d. In the tobacco controversy, the gov would not have the right to ban tobacco without people’s consent

6. True concerning conflict in the market place:

a. Interrole conflict occurs when the roles of the supervisors are confused by the employees

b. Intrapersonal conflict occurs when there is an argument btw 2 employees on the job

c. When an employee is attempting to perform too many jobs, he is caught in the Peter Principle

d. Role Personality conflict occurs when the employee’s personality is not congruent w the company’s roles & exp

e. Interpersonal conflict occurs when there is conflict btw 2 workers

7. True concerning addiction:

a. Addiction is more than mental or psychological habituation

b. A substance is addictive if it is found in receptor sites in the body

c. The true test of addiction is in the degree of impairment

d. Marijuana is considered by most authorities to be a non-addictive drug

e. Addiction would not flunk Mill’s HP

8. True concerning liability of cigarette makers:

a. Informed consent means that the teen did not have permission from the parents to smoke

b. It would be diff to hold tobacco companies negligent for lung disease in an adult person who started 1yr ago

c. Voluntary acceptance is used to indicate that the smoker understood the risk and decided to take them for pleasure

d. If a person did not have informed consent, this means their autonomy was violated

9. True concerning flirting and SH:

a. Flirting is power motivated while sexual harassment is equality motivated

b. SH leads to negative self-esteem and is demeaning

c. Flirting is controlling while sexual harassment can lead to domination

d. In flirting, the person feels good and in control

e. SH is invading and 1-sided while flirting is reciprocal

10. True concerning the steps an alleged victim must take in a case of potential SH:

a. He she must call 911 and report it

b. He she must avoid the alleged offender and report it to a peer group

c. The victim must document as much as possible any conversations with the offender

d. The victim must followed a prescribed company policy of reporting sexual harassment

e. The alleged should take the first step of consulting an attorney and say nothing to ne1 in the company

11. True concerning conflicts in the marketplace:  ANS:  NOA

a. Interrole conflict occurs when the worker will not take on extra responsibility

b. The irony of interpersonal conflict is that the employee wears too many hats

c. Role personality conflict means that the employee has failed all the personality test

d. Interrole conflict is interpreted as having chosen the wrong career

12. True regarding institutional sexism:

a. The goal of Title 9 was to insure equal opportunity for males and females in academics and athletics

b. Sexist vocabulary is an example of institutional sexism

c. Title 9 mandates that women receive 50% of the income from college athletics

13. True concerning sexual harassment:

a. Most SH cases concern 1 person being in a position of power over another

b. Sexist discrimination occurs when a person belittles another bc of jealousy or insecurity with the desire to have sexual intercourse with that person

c. QPQ occurs when there is an intimidating atmosphere, where 1 is subjected to obscene picture, etc.

d. SH is 1-sided, invading, and is power motivated, while flirting is open, complimentary, and wanted

14. True concerning informed consent

a. It means the same thing as involuntary acceptance of the risks

b. Informed consent means parental permission to smoke

c. Once the smoker’s will is said to be impaired, there is no longer informed consent

d. “Informed consent” means to know the price of cigarettes

15. True concerning drug impairment or addiction in the Market place:

a. If an employee is caught snorting cocaine at work, the supervisor can dismiss him for cause with no due process, bc he is committing a felony

b. If an employee comes to work stoned on Marijuana, the supervisor can ask him her for a hit, and overlook it

c. If a leader suspects marijuana usage on the job, he she should pull the employee aside and question him, then suspend him without pay, pending an investigation

d. If the employee shows proof of an incapacitating illness and a prescription obtained in another state, the leader must accept that and probe no further into the matter

16. True regarding sexual favoritism:

a. When a female worker is a supervisor’s favorite employee

b. Occurs when 1 worker is favored over another with job improvement due to sexual favors that employee has performed for one in authority

c. It occurs when 1 peer is favored over another bc of sexier dress on job

d. It occurs when an employee has received a promotion bc of sexual favors and other employees are “passed over” and discriminated against

17. In the New perspectives on leadership, what statements are not true?

a. The leader is the model of moral behavior

b. The Greek word “Deacon” means exalted leader

c. Today, 1 is considered a leader only if he she leads people into change which betters their lives

18. The following statements are examples of proactive leadership:

a. They function as diagnosticians, seeing potential problems b4 they are manifested

b. One of their strengths is to lead form a place of damage control

c. They see the big picture and manage holistically

d. Frequently their relationships w their employees threaten the employer-employee relationship

19. The following are consistent w John Mill’s harm principle

a. The government can intervene when a child’s safety is involved

b. The gov cannot interfere w cases of Euthanasia or “mercy Killing”

c. The HP would not allow the gov to intervene in cases of nicotine addiction if considered “Slavery

20. True regarding parens patriae and governmental involvement in alcohol usage:

a. The reason the government makes a diff btw alcohol and drugs is bc alcohol is non-addicting

b. Parens Patriae is defined as the citizens being allowed to drink recreationally

c. Alcohol is defined as non-addicting bc people can hold jobs under its influence

d. The alcohol molecular structure is unique from other drugs bc of its taste

e. The alcohol chemical makeup is unique in that even though addicting, it metabolizes and allows alcoholics to live productive lives

21. True regarding the conflict btw the sexes in the market place:

a. Regarding the power struggle, the conflict is totally about hormones, i.e testosterone vs. estrogen

b. The glass ceiling refers to that barrier which prevents females form gaining the top positions in the workforce

c. The power struggle in the market place refers to which sex is the most dominant in intercourse

d. The Latin word for posse denotes female sexuality

22. True concerning John Mill’s and the court’s interpretation of the HP:

a. The gov cannot stop a threatened suicide bc of a person’s 1st Amendment right to die

b. The HP allows the gov to regulate addicting drugs

c. The HP would prohibit gov from Utilitarian decisions

d. The enforcement of the HP has resulted in the protection of rights of children

23. True concerning nicotine addiction and possible gov regulation

a. Many opponents of nicotine regulation cite infringement upon the 1st Amendment

b. Many opponents of nicotine regulation believe that the answer in combating cigarette usage is to increase the price

c. In the dispute over “preferences” the issue is the preference of low tar over menthol cigarettes

d. The “preference” issue states that the preference to smoke is a surface 1, while the preference to live is a deeper preference

e. Nicotine addiction is psychological, not physiological

24. The following statements defines the term “zeit-geist”

a. It means times of the change

b. The term refers to a hostile environment in the work place

c. It is a German term that is defined as advertising

d. The term is used to characterize the mood of the public

25. The following statement is FALSE concerning Quid Pro Quo:

a. The term literally means “this for that,” or an exchange of favors, and is restricted to authority/power, SH cases

b. QPQ can occur along with a sexually hostile environment

c. This practice will always accompany a hostile environment

d. It usually happens when peer worker are involved

26. True concerning gov involvement and alcohol:

a. The primary reason that the gov does not take alcohol off the market is that it is not addicting

b. Alcohol is defined as non-addicting bc it is only psychological bondage

c. Alcohol’s chemical structure is unique bc of its taste

d. The alcohol molecule is unique bc it allows addicts to live productive lives in spite of the addiction

e. Alcohol is considered to cause more “antisocial” behavior than addicting drugs

27. True regarding “Parens Patriae”:

a. This is the doctrine which holds that schools are the parents of its citizens

b. This is the same as “loco parentis,” which refers to parents who, due to the stress of raising children, have “lost it”

c. John Mills would invoke “Parens Patriae” to include all prescription drugs

d. This doctrine is also called the “Gateway Theory”

e. The gov. can step in and prevent suicide under this doctrine

28. The following statement is true concerning John Mills Harm Principle:

a. The Gov cannot stop threatened suicide bc of the 1st Amendment’s right to die clause

b. The HP would allow the gov. to regulate addicting drugs

c. Enforcement of this principle would help protect the rights of children

d. Invoking the HP would allow police to step into a situation where the citizens are in “harms way”

29. True concerning job related illness, “absenteeism” and “presenteeism”:

a. Absenteeism is defined as being away from work while on vacation

b. Presenteeism means to give the supervisor overtime wo getting paid for it

c. Presenteeism means to come back to work having been completely cured of illness

d. Presenteeism is interpreted as “working sick”

e. Presenteeism is just a synonym for present and producing on the job

30. True concerning bribes and grease payments:

a. Grease payments create deals from nothing

b. Bribes always involve violation of trust btw the seller and his her agent

c. Grease payments and bribes are carried out with public awareness

d. Grease payments never involve money, but simply persuade people to do better work

e. Bribes and grease payments are usually carried out in secrecy

f. NOA

31. True concerning the Donaldson Principles:

a. Type 1 cases may be unethical if discrimination can be proven

b. An incident involving religious beliefs would be a type 1 case

c. A type 2 case involving cultural beliefs would be ethical if there is no violation of human rights

d. A female’s place in society in an under-developed country would be a type 1 violation

e. The “questionable practice” is concerned with whether it is questionable to accept money as a grease payment

32. True regarding whistles blowing:

a. It involving mentoring in the marketplace with those in authority regarded as referees

b. The practice is regarded as ethically obligatory when there are dangers in the marketplace or potential harm

c. In most cases, the company leaderships….. Rewards those who report violations

d. In many cases, leadership labels whistle blowers as disloyal

e. 1 positive reaction that companies can have is that whistle blowing is a “tragedy to be avoided”

33. If an MNC is contemplating setting up a business enterprise in another nation, the following would be true:

a. It is a poor nation, socio-economically disadvantaged. The MNC must pay its local native employees the same salary as the American employees to be ethical

b. If the company scouting team sends reports to the company that there are reports of spousal abuse, this would be both type 1 and type 2 cases

c. If an MNC is in Nepal, India, and gives raises both to its own employees and Hispanics, but neglects to give raises to the local Indian employees, this is unethical due to ethnic discrimination

d. If an MNC is located in a nation which observes Saturday as its holy day, and local workers refuse to work on that day, this is a type 2 situation

34. John Conners is assistant purchasing agent for the action group, a company specializing in construction projects. John has been w the company for over a year, earning 2 merit raises. Now his supervisor allows John to do all the purchasing for the company, and many of the purchases are 6 figure transactions. Last week, Tom McComb, a salesman w Southside Materials, one of Actions’ suppliers, approached John w an interesting proposition.  He dropped 5000 dollars on John’s desk, with a laugh, saying “This is for all the past business take a weekend trip to the Bahamas, on me.  And remember this next week when you make your decision on the Forked Hammer, which company you will buy from. “And remember, this is btw you and me.” Now John is in a dilemma. The following are true concerning this transaction:

a. This is a grease, simply paving the way for future business and is ethical

b. If the payment is accepted, John is violating the trust btw him and the company and this would be considered a bribe

c. If john goes to his supervisor and asks for his advice, and follows it, this removes the lid of secrecy and it is no longer a violation of trust, bc he has gone to a company official

35. Jamie Summers is employed by the Jackson Group, INC., an insurance firm. She has been there for 1 year, receiving one merit raise.  Recently she has applied for another position in the company, which would mean that her present boss would continue in a supervisory position over her.  There are no dress code regulations and Jamie has been flirting excessively with Mr. Williams, her supervisor. There is a vague policy on sexual discrimination, and the company does not require its employees to attend sexual harassment seminars.  Mr. Williams likes the attention, particularly Jamie’s short skirts and low cut blouses.  The talk btw them has progressed to another level of racy innuendos, and sexual banter.  Williams has never touched Jamie and the interaction has been limited to hot, sexual conversation.  Never did Mr. Williams promise her the position if she would have sex w him.  To Jamie’s dismay, Mr. Williams recently recommended another woman for the position, and Jamie, bitter over her rejection, has filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against Mr. Williams and the Jackson group, claiming that she was sexually harassed by her boss, and passed over for the promotion bc she would not have sex w him.  The following statements are true concerning her case

a. She can claim Quid Pro Quo, bc he told her she had great legs

b. She has a case for SH, hostile environment, bc of the sexual comments and the suggestive looks that he gave her

c. Several peer workers are willing to testify that Jamie liked the sexual attention and never once tried to stop it.  This will work in the company’s favor in court

d. The company’s passive position on SH will not be a factor in court

e. Jamie’s provocative, sexy dress and her many references to sex will insure that she cannot win court

True or False

1. Quid Pro Quo can exist in both types of SH cases

2. “Kickbacks” are a form of grease payments

3. If a lesbian supervisor places sexual pressure on a female employee, this is considered homophobia

4. IF a male supervisor calls a female employee a dumb blonde and wants to have sex with her, this is a form of SH

5. According to Mill’s HP, the gov would have to get parents’ permission to investigate complaints of child abuse

Discuss Role Personality conflict, diagramming Getzel’s social system model.  Why is this valuable to a supervisor? As a proactive leader, what steps would you take in helping a worker struggling w this conflict?

1. Flirting              A.Use to protect company from idiosyncratic employee

2. Institutional sexism    B. Role Personality conflict

3. Spirit of the times       C. Lessening of male domination

4. Parens Patriae              D. Incumbent upon MNC’s

5. Proactive Leaders       E. Element of SH

6. Damaging to voluntary acceptance      F. Proportionality Rule

7. Must negatively alter life         G. Title Nine Violation

8. Reasonable Person Standard H. Hostile environment

9. Homophobia I. Nicotine addiction qualities

10. Interrole Conflict       J. Sex for promotion

11. Common knowledge               K. Caveat emptor

12. Quid Pro Quo              L. Reasonable preventable risk

13. Attempting to dominate women or men       M. Limits company Liability

14. Harm Principle            N. Balanced Life

15. Selected the wrong career   O. Conflict btw 2 or more roles simultaneously performed by 1 person

16. Twists Title 9 intentions          P. Form relationships w their employees

17. Determining factor in peer sexual harassment cases                Q. Mood of the public

18. Negative Harm Principle        R. Needs addressed in hierarchical fashion

19. The f word’s decreasing sexual connotation S. Leader is in a cross-fire

20. Equilateral Triangle   T. Gateway Theory

21. Role of leader in conflict        U. Function as diagnosticians

22. Concern of marijuana opponents      V. Basis for paternalism

W. Corrupt trust btw buyer and agent

X. Sexual Harassment

Y. Sexist discrimination

Z. Reduce hostility

AA. Equality motivated


BB. Not free to choose death or slavery.

Reference no: EM13129929

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