Reference no: EM132612601
TRL4864 Integrated Logistics Management - University of South Africa
Read the article on "Warehousing 2018: from cost centre to growth centre" (pages 14 - 16 of this tutorial letter) and answer the questions below:
As customer satisfaction and supply chain efficiency become more important drivers of warehousing operations, the industry is re-examining its perceptions of the business. Fewer organisations continue to view warehouses and DCs simply as commoditised links between endpoints of the supply chain. Senior business executives across all market segments can no longer afford to look at warehouses as necessary troubles that are fundamentally cost centres.
With this in mind, write a report on how customers satisfaction and supply chain efficiency affect the business operation. In your report you cover the following elements:
Assignment 01
a) The levels of supply chain information systems (SCIS) functionality
b) The fundamental attributes of the customers service
c) An overview of global strategies that senior business across all market segment can consider
Read the article on "Warehousing 2018: from cost centre to growth centre" (pages 14 - 16 of this tutorial letter) and answer the questions below:
In the article it was stated that receiving and put-away processes can have a domino effect on virtually every other warehouse process. The harsh reality is, receiving and put-away inefficiencies are a significant cause of potential problems upstream and downstream. In response, today's warehousing professionals are trying to solve a number of significant inbound handling issues. Write an article on the warehouse operation, placing emphasis on the following:
a) Material handling systems that organisation could invest in, to improve their supply chain performance and reduce labour
b) Identify other systems that organisations could consider to ensure more efficient warehousing operation
c) Analyse two types of postponement that are common in responsive supply chain
Title of article and title page (create your own) (2) Details of the author
1 Introduction
2 Discussion of the various elements, with appropriate headings as outlined above
3 Conclusion (4) Sources consulted
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