Trip reports may make recommendations

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Reference no: EM13138228

1.In a news release, information should be ordered from most important to least important.

A) True   B) False

2.Trip reports may make recommendations

A) True   B) False

3.Passive voice should not be used in science lab reports because it does not keep the report objective.

A) True   B) False

4.Personal bias is not appropriate in science lab reports or forensic reports.

A) True   B) False

5.The following set of instructions proceeds forward in time:a. Remove the filter.b. Clean the filter sleeve and water reservoir (buckets).c. Reinstall the filter.d. Use hot water and soap to clean the filter sleeve and reservoir.e. Use cold water and a soft brush to clean the filter.

A) True   B) False

6.The higher a person moves up the corporate ladder, the less likely he or she is to give oral presentations.

A) True  B) False

7.The time needed to develop a graphic, the cost of developing the graphic, and the effectiveness of the graphic are the only considerations in the use of graphics.

A) True   B) False

8.In an unsolicited report, the writer may have a difficult time determining the reader’s reaction.

A) True   B) False

9.None of the research conducted for a recommendation report involves field research.

A) True   B) False

10.A letter or memo of transmittal is the document a writer prepares to offer an alternative solution.

A) True   B) False

11.Who does not need the information conveyed by progress and periodic reports?

A) business clients  B) the general public  C) vendors

12.A news release should open with a(n)

A) catchy word or idea B) introduction  C) salutation such as Dear Madam or Sir.

13.In writing a summary or an abstract, which of the following is acceptable?

A) using present tense  B) quoting extensively  C) giving one’s opinion

14.Objectivity is

A) writing with such accuracy that others can duplicate the procedure
B) using inductive and deductive reasoning to come to valid conclusions about natural phenomenon
C) not letting bias or personal opinion affect one’s observations.

15.Forensic experts

A) write reports  B) testify in legal proceedings  C) both A and B.

16.Passive voice is

A) never used in a science lab report.
B) always used in a science lab report
C) used in a science lab report when the methodology or procedures are described

17.Which of the following does not pertain to PowerPoint presentations?

A) use of serif fonts
B) selection of portrait layout for slides
C) use of a title or heading for each slide
D) placement of clip art in the lower right corner of a slide

18.Which strategy should the writer of a recommendation report use for a receptive audience?

A) introduction, recommendation, scope, appendix
B) introduction, recommendation, scope, conclusion
C) introduction, recommendation, scope, discussion with extensive details
D) introduction, recommendation, scope, discussion with limited details

19.Employees who see their leaders as moral

A) feel less valued
B) are less than satisfied with their company
C) feel less pressure to compromise their ethical standards.
D) all of the above

20.What was Johnson & Johnson’s response when in 1986, someone tampered with a bottle of its popular product Tylenol?

A) The company removed Tylenol from stores
B) The company produced a tamper-proof cap.
C) both a and b
D) neither a nor b

21.The three steps of planning instructions are creating a flowchart, working the process backward, and __.
22.__ evaluates instructions by asking subjects to use a product or perform an activity.
23.__ evaluates instructions by asking subjects to complete a questionnaire or answer questions about a task after they have performed the task.
24.Computer-based instructions such as help menus are also called __.
25.In a set of instructions, a symbol or graphic that represents danger often accompanies the __.
26.Values help people set __, or rules, to guide their behavior.
27.Honesty, justice, and hard work are examples of __, which are ideas that determine how a person acts.
28.According to a 2007 survey conducted by the Ethics Resource Center, more than _____ percent of the employees contacted said that they saw a person involved in some kind of ethical violation.
29.In a(n) __, a person pledges to make responsible and moral decisions.
30.A(n) __ states a company’s commitment to ethical behavior.
31.Match each term with the correct definition



A. criteria


B. rank


C. standard


D. recommendation report


E. unreceptive


F. receptive


G. solicited


H. Introduction section


I. Scope section


J. Discussion section



___factors on which a decision is based; something to consider when making a decision

___the relative importance of one criterion to another; usually ranked from most important to least important

___a way of defining or limiting a criterion

___a report that helps readers make choices; it compares and contrasts items to a common set of criteria and recommends one item over the others

___refers to an audience that is not open to the writer’s ideas or suggestions

___refers to an audience that is open to the writer’s ideas or suggestions

___refers to a report that is requested

___gives the purpose of the report, explains the problem, narrows the choice, lists criteria, provides a preview, and may include the method of investigation

___explains why criteria were chosen and why they are ranked as they are

___analyzes each criterion thoroughly, drawing conclusions about which item is better for each criterion

32. Is analyzing the audience as important for a single individual as it is for a large group? Explain.

33.Should speakers use the direct or indirect approach when the audience is likely to agree with their messages?

34.List two types of introductions used in presentations

35.When a speaker wants to ask the listeners to take action, does the speaker include the idea in the introduction, body, or conclusion?

36.When preparing for a presentation, why should speakers avoid using sentences on their note cards?

37.List two kinds of information a speaker might need to illustrate when giving an oral presentation.

38.Identify two ways a person can get feedback when rehearsing a presentation.

39.What are two things to check in the room or speaking location before giving a presentation?


40.During presentations, when should speakers distribute handouts?

Reference no: EM13138228

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