Trial section selected checked revised ifnecessary

Assignment Help Civil Engineering
Reference no: EM13532266

1.Select the lightest available W14 section for column tosupport the axial compression loads Pd=150k and Pl=200 k if KL =14ft and A572 grade 50 steel is used. Column is assumed to be inframe that is braced against side-sway. Use trial and error methodin which a KL/r value is estimated. Solution should have required areas calculated, trial section selected checked revised ifnecessary.

2.A W 12 x 50 is used as acolumn to support an axial load of 145 kips. The length is 20 feet,and the ends are pinned, without regard to load resistance factors.Investigate the member’s stability.

Reference no: EM13532266

Questions Cloud

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Trial section selected checked revised ifnecessary : Select the lightest available W14 section for column tosupport the axial compression loads Pd=150k and Pl=200 k if KL =14ft and A572 grade 50 steel is used. Column is assumed to be inframe that is braced against side-sway
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