Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM131902827

Why are monoclonal antibodies against cytokines used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis that is unresponsive to conventional therapy? Your answer should include information on how the disease is thought to occur and how cytokines that are the targets of antibodies may contribute to pathogenesis.

Reference no: EM131902827

Questions Cloud

Mast cell activation and mediator release : Describe how activation of FceRI leads to mast cell activation and mediator release. Discuss strategies that can interfere with the release of these mediators.
Outline processes in inflammation : Inflammation and cancer are closely linked. Outline processes in inflammation
Determine what you believe to be the one root problem : The obvious problem or the problem stated by the characters in the case is often not a real problem or not the most basic problem.
Explain the steps in the strategic sourcing process : Explain the steps in the strategic sourcing process. How can a business best use its resources to achieve coordination in an entire supply chain network?
Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis : Why are monoclonal antibodies against cytokines used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis that is unresponsive to conventional therapy?
Identify a problem that affects populations : For this Assignment, you will identify a problem that affects populations that social workers serve. Some examples of social problems include poverty.
Evaluation of recent high blood pressure readings : Roberto is a 65 year old retired man referred for evaluation of recent high blood pressure readings. He is diagnosed with Stage I Hypertension.
Analyze the expected results of the proposed solution : Analyze the expected results of the proposed solution. Describe what specific OM concepts/tools can be applied to the problem and why they are appropriate.
Termination of neurotransmission : a) Describe the physiological mechanisms involved in the termination of neurotransmission.


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