Reference no: EM131249387
Treatment of Forensic Populations - Final Project
In the Final Project for this course, due by Day 7 of Week 10, you will demonstrate your understanding of-as well as apply and critically evaluate-the major concepts presented in this course.
For your Final Project, you will apply concepts and approaches presented in the course to a scenario featuring an offender with multiple related factors (e.g., gender, ethnicity, type of offense, and age). The case scenarios are located in the "Course Info" tab for this assignment.
A superior Final Project demonstrates breadth and depth of knowledge and critical thinking appropriate for graduate-level scholarship. The paper must follow APA Publication Manual guidelines and be free of plagiarism, typographical, spelling, and grammatical errors. The paper should be 15 pages, not counting the title page, abstract, or references. Please use the APA-format on this paper. Please use 12 point, Times New Roman font. Reference citations should come from peer-reviewed journals, reputable periodicals. Please note that Wikipedia is not considered a scholarly reference and is not accepted as a citable source. A minimum of 10 peer reviewed references in APA format / alphabetical order. Absolutely no plagiarism at all. Must be an A grade paper. Must include an Abstract. Must cite in APA format. Must be original work. Please provide the solution of the assignment, along with a turnitin report.
Note that quantity does not always correspond to quality, and a well-written Final Project that includes all of the necessary information can be accomplished in fewer than the maximum number of pages. The Final Project for this course will be evaluated according to all four indicators in the Application Assignment and Final Project Writing Rubric located in the Course Information area.
In your Final Project, you must:
- Identify which scenario you selected to use for your Final Project.
- Explain the offender category (ies) that concurs with the scenario client and discern the treatment considerations inherent in this category (ies).
- Describe the multicultural factors (e.g., age, gender, and ethnicity) evident in the scenario and explain how these factors affect treatment and treatment approach (es).
- Describe the treatment approach (es) and/or programs you would use with the offender and explain why.
- Describe any legal and ethical issues that might be involved in the treatment of your selected offender and explain how you would address these issues.
- Describe the model you would use to measure treatment outcomes and explain why you selected this model.
Your Final Project will be graded on a 20-point scale and is worth 30% of your final grade.
Although the Final Project is not to be submitted until Day 7 of Week 11, you should become familiar with the project requirements and have them in mind as you proceed through the course. Many of the Discussions and Application Assignments relate to and can be of use to you in writing your Final Project.
The Final Project will be evaluated according to all four indicators in the Application Assignment and Final Project Writing Rubric, located in Course Info. Information on scholarly writing may be found in the APA Publication Manual (6th ed.) and at the WaldenU Writing Center website.
Article - SPECIALTY GUIDELINES FOR FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGY Adopted by APA Council of Representatives, August 3, 2011 (Unofficial version-official version is in press, American Psychologist)
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Treatment of forensic populations - final project
: Identify which scenario you selected to use for your Final Project and Explain the offender category (ies) that concurs with the scenario client and discern the treatment considerations inherent in this category (ies).
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