Treatment methods used in female prisons verses male prisons

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Reference no: EM133562462


1. Compare and contrast some of the different treatment methods used in female prisons verses male prisons. How can correctional treatment be more effective? Should self-help programs be used in conjunction with treatment? Why or why not?

2. Discuss when a Writ of Habeas Corpus is used and provide a real-life example in your answer.

3. Define clemency. When is clemency used within the correctional system? Do you agree or disagree with the use of clemency, explain your answer.

4. What are civil commitment programs? Discuss some of the Constitutional and legal issues surrounding the use of civil commitment programs.

5. Compose a letter to an employer explaining why you should be hired, even though you have just completed a 5 year prison sentence for armed burglary. Specify the type of company you are applying for. Include in your answer some of the social barriers that offenders face when they return to the community.

6. What is parole? If you were a parole officer and had to decide whether or not to file complaints against your parolees, what violations and crimes would you definitely file complaints for and what would you most likely overlook? Explain your rationale.

7. Several states have made changes to their parole policies in the last few decades. What changes did Florida make to their parole policies? In your opinion, why did Florida make these changes? Do you agree or disagree with the changes? You may use research outside of the textbook to answer these questions.

8. Discuss the different methods of execution in the United States. What is the most commonly used method in the United States? What are some of the controversies surrounding this method?

9. Discuss the cases Furman v. Georgia and Gregg v. Georgia and the impact that these cases had on the death penalty in the United States.

10. Read an account of a death row inmate. Describe your thoughts and views as you read what the inmate has written. How do inmates deal with being placed on death row? The appeals process can take ten or more years from conviction to execution. Why does it take so long and could this length of time be seen as cruel and unusual punishment?

1. Discuss the pros and cons of capital punishment. Should the time on death row be considered cruel and unusual punishment? Many people think the time spent on death row is too long; what do you believe can be done to lessen the time on death row? Add research support.

These the first 10 should be based off book Corrections Today by Cengage learnin; 4th edition 2017.

Reference no: EM133562462

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