Treatment and side effects

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Reference no: EM131615577

Upon entering the site it is clear that there is a hotline posted for any questions or assistance needed. If questions aren't answered from reading the information that is posted, then the hotline can additionally assist. Immediately the heading labeled "Cancer A-Z" caught my eye.

I had a friend that recently died from cancer after being diagnosed one week before. Due to the lack of information of the next steps of cancer, we went to this website for guidance. This site breaks down cancer by its type, explains all about that cancer, treatments, diets, and so on.

Not only is it like an encyclopedia for cancer, but also a glossary for unknown medical terms. Under the "Treatment and Support" tab, there are resources for those interested, such as paying, treatment, nearing end-of life, caregiving, and children. All these tools are support systems depending on the topic and needs of the patient.

We were able to use the tool on "Treatment & Side effects" to inform our friend about what the next steps would be, even before the doctor saw him! They simply informed him to come back a week later for an informational class on chemotherapy. He never made it.

What services would you recommend and why?

Because, my friend died so quickly, I would recommend really looking into Nearing-End of Life. My friend was 20 years older than his wife and they had no children. Although, many things were handled smoothly, the quick death has left my friend with some tasks she has had to do blind and alone.

So, I would recommend everyone look into this category, and the possible outcomes if death occurs. Next, would be caregiver. I believe those caring for loved ones with cancer need help. My sister-in-law's brother passed away at a young age after being married for 2 years.

Due to his brain cancer, it changed him and he had some mood swings. His wife left him, and we believe had she reached out for help to the family and a support system, it would not have had to come to that.

2. What factors contribute to the yearly incidence and mortality rates of various cancers in Americans? What changes in policy and practice are most likely to affect these figures over time.

According to NIH (2017) "SES is most often based on a person's income, education level, occupation, and other factors, such as social status in the community and where he or she lives.

Studies have found that SES, more than race or ethnicity, predicts the likelihood of an individual's or a group's access to education, certain occupations, health insurance, and living conditions including conditions where exposure to environmental toxins is most common, all of which are associated with the risk of developing and surviving cancer". According to NCCS (2017) " Public policy is a system of regulatory decisions, legislative actions, funding priorities, and other courses of action as well as analysis by advocates and other groups.

Everyone who is diagnosed with cancer is impacted by public policy." Meaning, the impact can include funding for research for certain therapies, screening guidelines, Medicare coverage for treatment, and many more financial and practical issues related to care.

Since the beginning of the survivorship movement, policy change has been essential to ensuring cancer survivors have access to high-quality, evidence-based cancer care.

Describe the program and discuss what impact the research will have on the prevention or treatment of cancer.

Road to Recovery is a program that is offered the American Cancer Society (2017). It helps in the following three ways:

Coordinate a ride with an American Cancer Society volunteer driver

Coordinate a ride with a local organization that has partnered with us to provide transportation

Refer you to a local resource you can contact for help

Furthermore, one personal research program that I liked was the Cancer Control and Prevention Research. This program basically studies the behaviors that can reduce cancer risk, iit targets early detection, and can recommend ways improve quality of life of patients and families.

Reference no: EM131615577

Questions Cloud

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Standard deviation of differences computed : Suppose the mean decrease in weights over all 16 subjects in the study is 3.0 pounds with the standard deviation of differences computed as 6.0 pounds.
Treatment and side effects : We were able to use the tool on "Treatment & Side effects" to inform our friend about what the next steps would be.
Explain behaviors indicative of a psychopathic individual : Discuss in detail the specific behaviors demonstrated by the offender that align with behaviors indicative of a psychopathic individual
Determine the? person health care expenses : a. Determine the? person's health care expenses for the year with the insurance policy.
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What impact did the playwright have on the overall public : What impact did the playwright have on the overall public and political discourse about topics that are considered women's issues? Was it positive or negative?


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