Treating mental health professional

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Reference no: EM133547145


Carla, age 12 , was admitted to the intensive care unit unconscious and unstable after ingesting eight of her mother's antidepressants and 20 tablets of Tylenol. This suicide attempt, her first, came after arguing with her father over chores and restrictions imposed because her grades were poor. Carla said she went to the medicine cabinet and ingested everything she could find because ,"it became too much" and she "did not want to live anymore". For the previous month, she had displayed a noticeable change of mood, behaving with more instability and depression, feeling worthless and hopeless. During this period she had lost her appetite and had dropped two dress sizes. She had isolated herself, staying alone in her room. Her school performance, for which her father had restricted her, had declined from B's to D's. Thoughts on a possible mental health diagnosis for Carla? Any possible interventions or treatment for Carla if you were the treating mental health professional?

Reference no: EM133547145

Questions Cloud

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