Treating clients with risks of dangerous behavior

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Reference no: EM133593804

Case Study:

Regina is a 68-year-old Hispanic woman who has been on pain medication for 3 years due to injuring her back in a workplace accident. She is a mother of three adult children, and two of those children have families and are productive in the community. Regina has difficulty getting around and has been on disability insurance since her accident, with a small payout by workman's compensation. Her youngest son, Mario, has been taking care of her and living with her for the last couple of years; however, a month ago Regina realized her pain medications had been tampered with, and she does not have enough to get her through to her next appointment. She confronted Mario about her medications, and he told her he had not been taking them. He became quite angry with her, yelling and cursing her for thinking he would do such a thing. Yesterday, she caught him in her medicine cabinet taking her medications, and when she confronted him again, he punched her several times in her stomach and told her that if she told anyone he would kill her. She is afraid to go to the police and afraid to go home. She has met with you to determine what she can do to help her son.

1. What are the clinical concerns in the case?

2. What are the ethical responsibilities of the addiction professional in the case?

3. What are potential ethical and legal issues the professional may face when treating clients with risks of dangerous behavior?

- Address the clinical concerns in the case, providing the ethical codes from NAADAC Code of Ethics.

- Address the ethical responsibilities of the counselor in the case, providing the ethical codes from NAADAC Code of Ethics.

- Address the ethical and legal issues the professional may face when treating clients who have potential risks of dangerous behavior, using both the professional competencies for addiction counselors and the NAADAC Code of Ethics

- Define how you can maintain objectivity while working with diverse clients.

Reference no: EM133593804

Questions Cloud

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According to behavioral observation : According to behavioral observation, a measure of how much agreement there is in classifying when using two or more coders to rank personality
Treating clients with risks of dangerous behavior : What are potential ethical and legal issues the professional may face when treating clients with risks of dangerous behavior?
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Experienced high stress with technology : Do you think you have experienced high stress with technology? Do you think it is beneficial to have mandatory cameras on while on Zoom?
In experiments showing the attention blink : In experiments showing the "attention blink": In experiments showing the "attention blink": Participants have a hard time detecting the first
Atkinson and shiffrin modal model of memory : In Atkinson and Shiffrin's modal model of memory: In Atkinson and Shiffrin's modal model of memory.


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