Traxis consolidated delivers liquid oxygen

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM13888969

1.On Thursdays, Traxis Consolidated delivers liquid oxygen to its industrial customers in northern Michigan. The table below provides the driving time in minutes among all customers and the Traxis liquid oxygen depot location.

1726_265-B-M-L-S-C-M (1205).png

a. Currently, Traxis travels from the depot (A) to (F) to (G) to (D) to (E) to (H) to (B) to (C), then returns to (A). What is the total driving time using this route?
b. Using the depot (A) as the beginning location, create a route using the Nearest Neighbor heuristic. What is the total driving time using this route?
c. Use the Nearest Neighbor heuristic to calculate seven routes, each starting from one of Traxis's customer's locations. What are yourconclusions? 

Reference no: EM13888969

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