Transportation service for our clients

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM131524615


I am thinking of establishing a cleaning service that also provides food service for our clients including transportation service for our clients. The business will be called Not JUST a Maid. It will operate in Texas and Oklahoma area.

I need you write a two page paper on the local competition including valid data including census WITH not less than two references in APA style.


Based off Apple Corp

In a 1-2 page paper, please complete the following:

  • Review the financial statements from the company you chose in week one.
  • Discuss the fixed and variable costs used by your chosen company (3-4 each).
  • Give 1-2 examples discussing how an increase in variable costs would affect fixed cost amounts. Refer to the lecture material for Module 03.
  • Be sure that the paper has no spelling or grammatical error

Reference no: EM131524615

Questions Cloud

Write a research paper about environmental policies : Research and write an APA research paper about environmental policies.Summarize the major provisions of the law that you chose.
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Calculate the expected number of deaths for each chemical : A policy maker in the Occupational Safety and Health Administration is under pressure from industry to permit the use of certain chemicals in a newly.
Describe the laws of thermodynamics : Describe the laws of thermodynamics.Explain how these scientific laws apply to energy use, energy conversions, and the need for energy efficiency.
Transportation service for our clients : I am thinking of establishing a cleaning service that also provides food service for our clients including transportation service for our clients.
The pollutant chosen and the source of the pollutants : Describe the pollutant chosen and the source of the pollutants. Include both natural and human sources, as applicable.
Important assets of an organization are its employees : The most important assets of an organization are its employees. Given the right opportunities and structure, employees will be empowered.
What factors do you see as driving growth of mobile banking : What two factors do you see as driving the growth of mobile banking? What two things can people do to enhance security in mobile banking?
Personality framework to the hiring process : In the near future, your company will be expanding its customer service department and you will be hiring 50 new employees.


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  Distinguish between caching and buffering

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