Reference no: EM133199171 , Length: word count:500
Problem: DMIMO simulation
You are supposed to simulate a simple distributed MIMO system, with 3 access points and 2 users. The access points are at the positions (0,0), (100,10) and (50,50), and the users are at the positions (30,20) and (70,30). All positions are given in meters. The system operates at mm-waves, at a frequency of 28 GHz. The channel needs to include path-loss and LoS component, but fast fading can be ignored. All antennas can be assumed isotropic.
The communication should start with that both users simultaneously transmit (orthogonal) pilot sequences, then data. The access point makes channel estimates, then receive the user data. Then the access points, assuming reciprocity, transmit data to the users.
For the linear combiner and precoder in this system, try both MRT/MRC and ZF. Add some AWGN to the received signals, as you feel is appropriate (also phase noise, if you want to challenge yourself).
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: The channel needs to include path-loss and LoS component, but fast fading can be ignored. All antennas can be assumed isotropic
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