Translate strategic goals and objectives

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM13940557

'If effective operations management is to  translate strategic goals and objectives into action, whist ensuring continuity of supply of products and services to customers, then it is imperative that the key characteristics of strategies employed  are understood.'

As a newly appointed consultant to operations at Concept Design you have been tasked with making improvements to manufacturing operations to ensure continuity and growth. The first step of this process is to produce a report based upon your findings from an analysis of the organisation.

Your report should contain, but is not restricted to:

  • A discussion of the transformation process at CDS
  • A volume / variety profile, with a critical discussion of the implications for the input resources.
  • An analysis of the relationship between the three core functions of the organization; new product development, marketing and operations. You should include a discussion of traditional information flows between these departments.
  • An analysis of production scheduling issues which might impact upon customer service in the context of the case.
  • An evaluation of the strategic direction of CDS and a discussion of the ways in which the operations function supports the strategy.
  • Recommendations of how operations might better support organisational goals going forward.

Reference no: EM13940557

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