Transitional phrases

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM13120952

1)      Writing that presents an objective point of view about a topic is called

a)      first person narration

b)      third person narration

c)      omniscient narration

d)     second person narration

2)      Identify the types of materials that do not require acknowledgement.

a)      All quotations, paraphrases and summaries.

b)      Visuals such as statistics, graphs and tables.

c)      Arguable facts.

d)     Facts available from a wide variety of sources.

e)      All of the above

3)      In an essay, the thesis should

a)      Contain a narrow (limited) subject.

b)      State the writer's own opinion

c)      Present a specific point of view

d)     Do all of these

e)      B and C

4)      To develop a clear sense of audience, a writer should consider

a)      The reader's interest and knowledge.

b)      The reader's education, age, and gender.

c)      The reader's existing ideas and opinions.

d)     All of the above.

5)      A question can be an effective opening sentence for an essay unless

a)      The writer overuses the device.

b)      The reader is likely to have a negative answer.

c)      The question has been asked before.

d)     All of the above.

6)      A "call to action" in a conclusion is used to

a)      Get the reader to engage in a specific behavior.

b)      Get the reader to accept the writer's opinion.

c)      Get the reader to avoid fallacies in logical thinking.

d)     Get the reader to reject his/her previous opinions.

7)      When editing his/her thesis-and-support essay, a writer needs to make sure that

a)      Each topic sentence states a fact that supports the opinion in the thesis.

b)      Each topic sentence makes a point that supports the opinion in the thesis.

c)      Each discussion paragraph contains details, facts, and/or examples that support its topic sentence.

d)     B and C

8)      Imagine that you are assigned to write and article in which you need to gain the support of medical doctors for the unionization of health care workers in the Phoenix area. What might be the most effective strategy for doing so?

a)      Talk about the historical exploitation of coal miners and factory workers in the United States.

b)      Talk about the rising cost of health care.

c)      Talk about the reasons more women become nurses than doctors.

d)     Talk about the growing number of people in this country with inadequate health care and insurance coverage.

e)      Talk about the long hours and poor working conditions of people in the medical profession, especially doctors.

9)      In drafting, you should do all of the following EXCEPT

a)      Keep all your information close at hand.

b)      Fill in the particulars before proceeding further.

c)      Write for at least thirty minute stretches at a time.

d)     Remember that the first draft need not be perfect.

e)      Stop writing at a logical place in the project.

10)  In evaluating the quality of your paragraphs, you should consider all of the following EXCEPT

a)      The subordination of main ideas to secondary ones.

b)      The use of transitional phrases.

c)      The relation of secondary ideas to the main one.

d)     The transitions between ideas and paragraphs.

e)      Whether or not the concluding sentence provides the paragraph with a sense of closure.

11)  An introductory paragraph, according to your handbook, must "engage" your reader's interest and "focus" their attention on what is to follow. All of the following are described as effective ways of opening EXCEPT

a)      Beginning with specific, as opposed to general, information.

b)      Beginning with a quotation.

c)      Beginning with an anecdote.

d)     Beginning with a question.

e)      Beginning with an opinion.

12)  Complete the following sentence. Most effective writing

a)      Occurs all in one fell swoop, due to the fact that results from inspiration.

b)      Comes naturally to left-brained individuals.

c)      Occurs over time and in stages.

d)     Uses complex language and sentence structure.

13)  What do effective research techniques help us do?

a)      Support our impressions and opinions with data

b)      Gain authority as someone whose opinion is well founded

c)      Differentiate between reliable sources and not

d)     Locate relevant information efficiently

e)      All of the above

14)  Prior to this stage of writing, an author has already tested and discarded a number of false starts and failed attempts. This one is probably the most difficult of the four, because it requires a writer to throw out entire sections of what he or she has already produced to make his or her work more cohesive or consistent. Which stage is it?

a)      Pre-drafting

b)      Drafting

c)      Revision

d)     Editing and proofreading

15)  This stage often "spells" the difference between an "A" and a "B" on a paper.

a)      Pre-drafting

b)      Revision

c)      Drafting

d)     Editing and proofreading

16)  The Boolean search that will retrieve the narrowest amount of information contains the following word(s) between your key terms:

a)      and.

b)      "and" and "or."

c)      or.

d)     "and" and "not"

17)  If ___ appears in the URL, it means that the web page is a personal one put up by someone with no official affiliation to the host site. All information, then, contained therein should be treated warily.

a)      /

b)      .html

c)      @

d)     #

e)      ~

18)  The last date on which a website was updated is often found in a statement at the bottom of the page. Whether or not a website has been revised in the past six months pertains to its

a)      Currency.

b)      Reliability.

c)      Relevance.

d)     Accuracy.

e)      Purpose.

19)  Many websites are merely advertisements in disguise for companies and their products. You should also evaluate the _____ of texts pulled up on the internet.

a)      Quality

b)      Richness

c)      Complexity

d)     Purpose

e)      Appeal

20)  Characteristics of a well-developed narrative essay include all of the following except

a)      A distinct voice.

b)      A thesis statement, stating the writer's opinion, experience and belief about a topic.

c)      Use of examples, stories and/or specific details that support the thesis.

d)     Evidence to help persuade the reader to believe the same way about the topic as the writer.

21)  Transitions can help a writer show comparison or contrast between ideas, but they are not necessary in all essay.

a)      True

b)      False

22) Which is the correct works cited entry for this sentence: Chan claims that "Eagleton has belittled the gains on postmodernism (par. 4).

a) Chan, Evans. "Postmodernism and Hong Kong Cinema." Postmodern Culture 10.3 (2000): n. pag. Project Muse 5 June 2008.

b) Chan, Evans. "Postmodernism and Hong Kong Cinema." Postmodern Culture 10.3 (2000): n. pag. Project Muse. Web. 5 June 2008.

23) When using quotes in your essay, you should avoid all of the following EXCEPT

            a) Quotes that discuss and elaborate a passage.

            b) Large blocks of imbedded text.

            c) Quotes in the conclusion

            d) Dangling quotes.

24) Below you will find an original passage and two examples of paraphrased material. You need to determine which example paraphrases the material correctly and which example plagiarizes the original passage.

Students frequently overuse direct quotation in taking notes, and as a result they overuse quotations in the final [research] paper. Probably only about 10% of your final manuscript should appear as directly quoted matter. Therefore, you should strive to limit the amount of exact transcribing of source materials while taking notes. Lester, James D. Writing Research Papers. 2nd ed. (1976): 46-47.

Example 1
In research papers students often quote excessively, failing to keep quoted material down to a desirable level. Since the problem usually originates during note taking, it is essential to minimize the material recorded verbatim (Lester 46-47).

Example 2
Students often use too many direct quotations when they take notes, resulting in too many of them in the final research paper. In fact, probably only about 10% of the final copy should consist of directly quoted material. So it is important to limit the amount of source material copied while taking notes.

a)      Example 1 is paraphrased correctly.

b)      Example 2 is paraphrased correctly.

25) Assume that you want to write an essay that discusses how urban sprawl is resulting in loss of natural habitat for large game animals, making some developments dangerous. Which type of essay would provide the best format for this topic?

a)      Cause and Effect

b)      Narrative

c)      Argumentative

d)     Comparison and Contrast

26) Argumentative essays contain all of the following characteristics EXCEPT

a)      They are designed to convince the reader about some topic

b)      They address a problem for which there is no simple solution.

c)      They demonstrate the causes of an effect.

d)     They present a position that tends to be controversial.

Reference no: EM13120952

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