Reference no: EM132671608
Lab Assign:Data Mining
You would learn:
1. Common logging structure of a social media server Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn
2. How to collect a social media stream data in a real time
3. JSON data processing with NoSQL MongoDB
4. Transformation Strategies from Semi-Structured Data Format JSON to Relational Tables
The Required Tasks are:
1. Collect Social Media Data Steam from a Twitter to a Local File for the messages on the Iphone 12. Choose as many Topic words related to the subject. Should collect more Than 500 Twits
2. Collect Twitter streams periodically three times per day for one hour each for 2 weeks or preferably for the entire month until the election day. You can use this data for your final project as well.
3. Download and Set Up MongoDB
4. Create a NoSQL database - Collection in Your MongoDB
5. Retrieve all the messages related iphone 12 in MongoDB Queries and save them to Transform each twit in JSON structure to CSV/TSV to Create a Relational table in a SQL Server
6. Find the basic info like how many messages with $Match, Aggregation pipelining, and $Group