Transform the 3nf lists into a set of database tables

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM132150349

(a) Taking an unnormalised list, describe how you would normalise it using the normal forms technique and show how the result of this method is used.

(b) You are currently in the process of developing a RDBMS for a national rail company. They provide train services between various counties and towns in London.

The marketing manager has given you the following form, which is completed for every train journey: (departure_station, arrival_station, date, departure_time, distance, estimated_time, actual_time_taken, number_of_stops, driver_id, driver_name, train_reg_number, number_of_carriages, max_number_of_passengers, actual_number_of_passengers, amount_collected (passenger_num, passenger_name, passenger_address, cost)

Note 1: A combination of Departure Station, Arrival Station, Date and Departure Time identifies each journey.

Note 2: Each passenger is allocated a passenger number when the first travel with the company. Each time they travel, they use the same passenger number.

Note 3: Cost relates to the amount the customer is charged for that journey. From this list, you should:

Normalise the list using the Normal Forms technique. You should explain any changes you are making at each step of the Normal Forms process.

(ii) Transform the 3NF lists into a set of database tables. Include one row of meaningful data for each of the tables

Reference no: EM132150349

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