Reference no: EM13201612
Training kitchen installation
Activity 1- Monitoring
You are two weeks into your project. The project sponsor would like an update on project progress to monitor how it is progressing. Complete the dashboard report template below based on the following information:
1. The plumbing is finished ahead of schedule.
2. The cabinets have been constructed.
3. The cabinet installation has begun but appears to be running slightly behind schedule.
4. The dishwasher, cooktops and oven have been installed. You are waiting on the electrician to finish installing power points, which he is likely to finish an hour and a half early.
5. The benches are yet to be installed.
6. The tiling cannot be started untilthe cabinets have all been installed.
7. Waterproofing is done but took eight hours longer than expected due to damp weather that extended the drying time.
Activity 2 - Reassigning staff
Now that the project has concluded your three project officers must be reassigned. There are two roles in administration and one role as a physical facilities assistant. On what basis would you reassign these three project officers? What qualities or skills that they demonstrate would help you to make your decision?
Activity 3 - Project report
Create a summary of the project by answering the questions below. The project outcomes are presented in the case study given.
commercial cookery classes - Kitchen installation project outcomes
lnstalling the training kitchen took three weeks longer than anticipated, so the first intake of students was delayed in beginning the course. Management were not very happy about it but understood that a week of poor weather significantly delayed drying times for waterproofing ana tile adhesive.
Additionally, the freezer procured for the kitchen as part of a related project was on backorder and did not arrive in a timely fashion, so you were forced to source one yourself. Layla, the project manager of the related projec! was as helpful as she could be but you were still required to source the alternative freezer.
Your cabinet maker was able to start the project immediately, as was the plumber but you were forced to pay a premium to both tradesmen to get them to put off existing jobs due to the short notice of your project commencement.
Two months after your project deadline, the government accreditation auditor was finally able to conduct a final inspection' The owner of ccc made a complaint and was told that the auditors require at least three months' notice to book an inspection due to the number of compliance audits and premises inspections they have already booked in advance' The inspection itself went very well - the auditor was very pleased with the quality of your facirities and noted his feerings in his report.
All in all, the project sponsor, project client and your manager were very happy with the outcomes of your project and feel they have a more realistic expectation for the next classroom conversion project, which they envision will be in six months, time.
Now that the project is concluded, do you believe it achieved its objective and produced the required deliverables? Why or why not?
Was the project delivered within scope?
Did you have to do anything that was outside the originar project
How would you involve your team members in reviewing this project?
What lessons have you learned from this proiect?
1. How would you ensure that you you seek clarification? clearly understood the project requirements? From whom could
2. During project planning, how could you consult team members for their views on project-related issues?
3. List the steps you would follow to brief team members about their responsibilities within the project requirements.
4. How would you support your project team members in meeting their responsibilities with regards to quality and time lines?
5. what record keeping systems wourd you estabrish whirst managing projects?
6. How would you monitor your resources during a project? lnclude details on financial, human, physical and technical resources in your answer.
7. Why should you complete project reports and distribute them to your stakeholders?
8. What risk management activities might be necessary during project management?
9. What is a project deliverable? What is their purpose?
10. What legislatlon is relevant to project management? List three pieces of legislation and explain why you believe they are related.