Reference no: EM131052809
Training-Cost Management
Having determined the cost per student for each of the classes in the previous problem, you now must carefully manage class registration. Because you pay the same flat rates no matter how many students attend (up to capacity), you want to do all you can to ensure maximum attendance. Your training provider, Hands-On Technology Transfer Inc., requires two weeks' notice in the event that you need to reschedule a class. You should make sure your classes are at least two-thirds full before this deadline. You should also make sure you send timely reminders to all attendees so that they do not forget to show up. Use the database you created in Problem 1 to perform the following activities:
a. Using the information provided in the sample below, add a course schedule table to your training database. Designate the Schedule ID field as a "Primary Key" and allow your database program to generate a value for this field automatically. Make the Course ID field a number field and the Start Date field a date field.
b. Using the information provided in the sample below, add a class roster table to your training database. Make the Schedule ID field a number field. Make the Reminder and Confirmed fields both "Yes/No" (Boolean) fields.
c. Because the Class Schedule table relates to the Course Table and the Course Table relates to the Pricing Table, why is it appropriate to record the Price per Day information in the Class Schedule table too?
d. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the participant's name and e-mail address in the Class Roster table? What other database design might you use to record this information?
e. Write a query that shows how many people have registered for each scheduled class. Include the class name, capacity, date, and count of attendees.

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