Training and development process

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM1331947

Training & Development Process

I need help with following Essay assignment for Training and Development.

Prof Greg decided to leave academia and go back into the real world. He has just promoted you to his L & D manager position. Our company has offices in Baltimore, D.C., and Richmond, VA. We are growing rapidly and need to develop a supervisor training program for the entire company. We have about 50 supervisors at each location. We have to integrate people into our culture and build a leadership culture that is based on engagement, empowerment, and innovation. In the past, we have sent our supervisors to public seminars like Fred Pryor/Career Track etc. But we want to build a program that is learner-centered rather than event driven so that our supervisors are constantly getting better. This program should be comprehensive. It should address how they would acquire 'soft skills' (e.g. conflict and change management, communication, etc) as well as process/procedural skills (e.g. writing a budget or a performance review).

You are meeting with VP Greg next week. He would like you to write a 'White Paper' (essay) of less than 1500 words on what methodologies you would use to implement the leadership development program for the meeting. Use the knowledge about learning theories, transfer of learning, evaluating training, and methodologies including e-learning. Be realistic when you think about the cost of the program. You do not have an unlimited budget but you do have enough money to get the job done. Also, your company has strong technology including cloud computing capabilities.

Include a couple of paragraphs in the essay about how you would determine the training. Note: the goal of your evaluation should be to improve the training and reporting back to executive management about its success.

Reference no: EM1331947

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