Traditional retailers and e-commerce retailers

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133127795

Part 1.

1. What are some major differences in supply chain management between traditional retailers and e-commerce retailers?

2. What types of products/services have you bought online and why? If you have bought nothing online, explain why not.

3. Research Instacart's business model. Would you invest in it, why or why not?

Part 2.

1. Google Amazon's fulfillment strategies, technologies, challenges, problems, etc. then critique their operations, with special regards to their operations in the Inland Empire and their economic impact in the region.

2. Compare and contrast the two models when companies use dropshippers or third party service providers to fulfill their orders.

Reference no: EM133127795

Questions Cloud

Corporate social responsibility is emerging trend : Corporate social responsibility is an emerging trend for businesses in today's environment.
Drawing on personality and behavioral leadership : Drawing on personality and behavioral leadership, who is Keller and what is his personality and leadership style like?
Identify two key strategic decisions made by current team : Identify two key strategic decisions made by your current team, department, or organization. How could those decisions have been enhanced by optimization models
Identify amazon leadership principles : Identify Amazon's leadership principles. Explain how the president of Amazon has provided leadership in customer service at Amazon.
Traditional retailers and e-commerce retailers : What are some major differences in supply chain management between traditional retailers and e-commerce retailers?
Discuss the main hr issues facing organisations : Critically present and discuss the main HR issues facing organisations at the present time and critically discuss how these can be addressed by HR departments
By failing to prepare you are preparing to fail : Benjamin Franklin once quoted, "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail."
Project management tools-defining-planning and controlling : Apply project management tools and a PM outline type of your choice to structure and plan the project by defining, planning, and controlling.
Differences between internal and external audit : Explain the difference between the Straight-Line Method and the Reducing Balance Method of depreciation, illustrating briefly the impact of each method would


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