Traditional police strategies used to deal with crime

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Reference no: EM133106003

Unit 4 focused on different police strategies and tactics for addressing crime problems. For your Unit 4 Complete section assignment, 

1. Identify and explain the three traditional police strategies used to deal with crime.

2. Using the textbook and internet sources, give an overview of the Kansas City Preventative Patrol Experiment (KCPPE). Detail the findings and analysis of the is controversial experiment.

3. Are there modern changes to policing that would create different results if the KCPPE study were done today or do you believe we would see the same results? Justify your answer.

4. Based on research and the outcome of the KCPPE, do you believe police agencies should eliminate random patrols, preventative patrols, neither, or both. Explain your response.

Reference no: EM133106003

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