Traditional education methods and modern education methods

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Reference no: EM132405509

Topic - Traditional Education Methods and Modern Education Methods


Abstract page must include the page header.

On the first line of the abstract page, centre the word "Abstract" (no bold, format . underlining, or quotation marks) must be given. Abstract is a single paragraph whiint't,a:,k,, of 150 to 250 words with double-spacing.

Abstract is a concise summary of the key your research.

Your abstract should contain at least
• The research topic
• Research questions,
• Participants, Methods, Results, Data analysis, and Conclusions.
• Future Recommendations.
• You may also want to list keywords from your paper in your abstract.



Second Name of Author, First Name. (Year of Publication). Book Title. (Edition). Place of Publication: Name of Publisher

Article from a Database
Author, A.A., Author B.B., & Author, C.C. (Year). Title of the Article. Title of Periodical, volume number (issue number), pages.D01

Author, A.A., Author B.B., & Author, C.C. (Date of Publication). Title of documents. Retrieved from, the URL Article
• Author's name followed by its initials
• Year of Publication.
• Article title followed by full stop.
• Name of Journal in italics form
• Volume followed by a comma
• Page No.

APA Format
Psychologists were the main users of APA (The American Psychological Association), but recently, students and writers in other fields began using APA style. Therefore, the sixth edition was written with a broader audience in mind. The changes made to the sixth edition reflect this broader audience.

Never use ALL CAPS in a paper except page headers
BE SURE to make your font consistent through your paper
Content, running head, title page, references list, appendices sidA Formatting: Margins
Margins : 2.5 cm (1 inch) on all the sides
Spacing : Everything should be double -spaced including reference list "obAPATormatting: Title page
Title page should include the following :
Top left : Running head and PAGE HEADER
Top right: A page number
Middle: a title that is 12 words or less
A running head is a short title that appears at the top of every page of your paper in the page header.

Verified Expert

This work is done in Microsoft word document is about the research based and the discussion around the perspective of the teaching methodology,It would be focused on how to derive a prospective aligning to the related methods.This document was prepared in the MS word is all about how to answer and distinguish as per the teaching methods.

Reference no: EM132405509

Questions Cloud

Why is an organization culture perhaps : Why is an organization's culture perhaps the most evident during crisis situations?
Constructing students hostel at university level : Briefly describe systematically how you will use the Rational Model of decision making to select a suitable site for constructing students hostel at university
Foster innovation and lead change in a dynamic environment : Consider this week's reading selections, and discuss how you can use the leadership skills you identified in your self-assessment to foster innovation
Increasing the number of people who utilize services : Although the cost of cancer drugs is large, it benefits the company to cover these drugs, as the patient is more likely to stay with them as a provider
Traditional education methods and modern education methods : Traditional Education Methods and Modern Education Methods - Participants, Methods, Results, Data analysis, and Conclusions
What made this experience particularly excellent : This may include sports, employment, community activities, etc. What made this experience particularly excellent?
Discuss the key components of the flsa overtime requirements : Discuss the key components of the FLSA overtime requirements, focusing specifically on considering the legal distinction between exempt and nonexempt employees.
How cultural differences may affect human resource functions : For this assignment, you will write an essay that assesses the role of culture in human resource management practices within a global organization.
Why you think thecompetencies are important : Your Capstone assignment, for this week, requires that you assess the competencies that today's global human resources professional should possess.



11/22/2019 9:11:16 PM

Traditional education methods and modern education methods This my topic First introduction After that literature review for my topic Design of study Reference In design study say its Quantitative or qualitative and writes about it

Write a Review

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