Trade with the thirteen colonies

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Reference no: EM131984189

The American colonists under British rule became increasingly disenchanted with how they were subjugated under British law. The growing idea emerged from discontinement with laws from England being applied to the colonies without the colonists input and representation in British law. The population of the American colonies was growing and so was the need for more land and the Proclamation of 1763 stopped the movement westward for new land. This also began the colonists to feel their subjugation under British rule to be increasingly tightening their freedom in the American colonies. However, the Sugar Act in 1764 started to make the case for their rights as freeman and taxation without representation violated their rights. Although the Sugar Act was enacted because George Grenville, the new prime minister of Britain, wanted to raise more revenue because the expense of removing the French from North America had cost the British government a lot of money. The Sugar Act, taxed imported sugar and goods to the colonies and it also increased the penalties for smuggling and if caught smuggling you were tried under British vice-admiralty law; of which, was not conducted with a jury of your peers. With this act and taxation, it started to give rise to the voices in the colonies to show that taxation without representation and the right to be tried by a jury of your peers became apparently clear the division that was to come between the colonies and England.

Although the Sugar Act was a spark to the growing unrest with England, The Declaratory Act and the Stamp Act was the flame that started the fire that arose in the colonists against England. The Declaratory Act stated that the colonists basically would do what the British law says they are to do  the Stamp Act enraged those that were lawyers and printers who had to pay taxes on their documents. The British rule underestimated the colonists and the outrage against this tax became pronounced because those who were hurt the worst in this tax also were the most influential in the colonies. The British continued to enact laws and taxes that continued to engage the fire in the need for the colonist's independence from England, which was the right to have a say in what is governed for them. Thomas Paine wrote a pamphlet called Common Sense and this book encouraged and promoted the American colonists to perceive their life in the colonies should be under their own rule not of England. This book became the design of democracy for the colonists who believed the American colonies could be free from England and live in a democratic society.

The Prohibitory Act of 1775 banned all trade with the thirteen colonies and this encourage more people to become involved in America's independence. July 4, 1776 marked the day that the Declaration of Independence was signed and formally addressed to England their independence from under their laws, rules and monarchy. The people of the American colonies just wanted a say and a representation in the government; however, England would not listen and thus was born the revolutionists movement and the Revolutionary War. How do I comment on this?

Reference no: EM131984189

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