Reference no: EM131177178
Assignment 1:
Write a five page essay, using a minimum of three academic references from the Waldorf online library and proper APA formatting on the following topic: pros and cons of tariffs. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. All references and citations used must be in APA style. Time Roman 12 format double space
Here are three reference that you can use to help.
By: Judis, John B. New Republic. 3/30/92, Vol. 206 Issue 13, p23-25. 3p. 1 Black and White Photograph
The alcohol industry and trade agreements: a preliminary assessment.
Full Text Available
By: Zeigler, Donald W. Addiction. Feb2009 Supplement, Vol. 104, p13-26. 14p. DOI: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2008.02431.x.
Competitive auction mechanisms for the promotion renewable energy technologies: The case of the 50 MW photovoltaics projects in Cyprus.
Detail Only Available
By: Kylili, Angeliki; Fokaides, Paris A. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. Feb2015, Vol. 42, p226-233. 8p. DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2014.10.022
Assignment 2:
Develop a hypothesis about the how consumers gather information to make decisions and how consumer attributes, culture, and past history affect those decisions. See guidelines for how to create a position paper.
You would start with intro and hypothesis (about 1/2 to 1 page double spaced) then go into the theory from the book (use references - see if you need help on how to reference). The theory would be two to three pages double spaced. '' Then apply the theory to support your hypothesis (another two to three pages)'' and a conclusion (about one page).
Paper Outline:
1. Introduction
2. Hypothesis
H1: Under the classical conditional ideas, unconditioned stimulus, conditioned stimulus, unconditioned response and conditioned response are the reason how consumers are able to gather information to use towards their decision making practices.
3. Theory
3.1 Classical Conditioning
3.1.1 unconditioned stimulus
3.1.2 conditioned stimulus
3.1.3 unconditioned response
3.1.4 conditioned response
4. Classical Conditoning and Hypothesis
5. Conclusion
Assignment 3
Your final exam consists of five essay questions. It is a cumulative exam and covers all material in this course. Answer the questions as completely as possible and use examples to help illustrate your point. Make sure these answers are in your own words and not plagiarized. Good luck and thank you for a fun class!
Prepare a Word document that addresses each of the following questions and submit to your instructor.
- Some economists believe that supply determines what happens to demand while others believe demand determines what happens to supply. Explain both sides with examples.
- The supply and demand for one product can affect the supply and demand for complementary items. Explain and give examples.
- The supply and demand for one product can affect the supply and demand for substitute items. Explain and give examples.
- What is "Elasticity?" Identify products which have an elastic demand. Identify products which have an inelastic demand. Identify products with a unitarily elastic demand. Explain what this means for all three.
- A lot of rules in Economics are based off of having perfect competition. What is this? What does it mean to have an imperfectly competitive market? Explain with examples.
Two page analysis of the economics
: Prepare a one to two page analysis of the economics article below. Be sure to include the topic as it relates to economics (elasticity, supply and demand), the author's main point or argument, and your analysis of the author's conclusions.
Prepare a paper on creativity
: Prepare a paper on Creativity, Intelligence, Memory, and Learning
What is the amount of the cash flow to creditors
: At the beginning of the year, long-term debt of a firm is $294 and total debt is $332. At the end of the year, long-term debt is $262 and total debt is $342. The interest paid is $28. What is the amount of the cash flow to creditors?
How would you analyze this situation in terms of trust model
: How would you analyze this situation in terms of the Trust Model of Conflict? Following the guidelines for the model, what sequence of steps could you initiate to resolve this conflict?
Trade agreements-preliminary assessment
: Write a five page essay, using a minimum of three academic references from the Waldorf online library and proper APA formatting on the following topic: pros and cons of tariffs. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphr..
How are providers responsible for patient decision making
: Would the answer change if more insurance plans covered the expensive treatment options? What are the economic implications if the facility absorbed the cost of the treatment?
How would you determine the underlying interests of parties
: Using information from this week's readings and Learning Resources, how would you determine the underlying interests of the parties? Identify which quadrant this negotiation would fall into and explain why.
Show that the vertex of largest degree in bk is the root
: For k > 0, T is an Sk-tree if it can be built from two Sk-1-trees by making the root of one the root of the Sk-tree and making the root of the other the child of the root of the first Sk-1-tree.
Describe an example of a carbohydrate
: Carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins! Take a look around your home. Describe an example of a carbohydrate, lipid, and/or protein found in your home. Let's see how many different examples can be described.