Toxic Effects of Drugs

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133730973

Chapter 3- Toxic Effects of Drugs

1. Define the term adverse drug reaction and explain the clinical significance of this reaction.

2. List four types of allergic responses to drug therapy.

3. Discuss five common examples of drug-induced tissue damage.

4. Define the term poison.

5. Outline the important factors to consider when applying the nursing process to selected situations of drug toxicity.

Reference no: EM133730973

Questions Cloud

Based on your community health promotion plan : Based on your Community Health Promotion Plan, create a community education flyer or bulletin,
What is the mechanism of action of hypnosis : What is the "mechanism of action" of hypnosis? Discuss ways of understanding hypnosis as a clinical treatment
Effective transformational leadership-quality improvement : The role of effective transformational leadership and quality improvement is essential to patient safety and positive quality outcomes.
Complains of sore throat-what is the function of the tonsils : Jason, a 7-year-old, complains of sore throat. His temperature is 100.8°F (38.22ºC), and upon examination it is noted tonsils are swollen and exudate is present
Toxic Effects of Drugs : Define the term adverse drug reaction and explain the clinical significance of this reaction. Discuss five common examples of drug-induced tissue damage.
Knee replacement patient : You are caring for a 2nd day post-op knee replacement patient who has chronic back pain and has been taking Percocet (oxycodone/tylenol) for the last 6 months.
Which is the priority intervention by the nurse : A nurse is seeing pre-school child who is brought to pediatric clinic by parent with concerns about toilet training.Which is the priority intervention by nurse
Patients examination revealed carotid dance : Patient's examination revealed carotid dance (carotid shudder), Musset's sign. Apex beat and left border of the relative cardiac dullness
Bilateral bulging tympanic membranes with marked erythema : He has no known allergies. He is crying and shows signs of pain. On exam, he has bilateral bulging tympanic membranes with marked erythema


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