Reference no: EM13135600
Choose a country that you have not lived in, nor spent more than a week in. Find at least three book sources and at least seven sources in all and begin reading about the culture of this country. You may choose a specific ethnic group in the country or discuss the country as a whole.
Research what a person would need to know in order to visit your country successfully. In your search, look for topics such as family, status of children, role of women, role of the aged, customs, taboos, superstitions, values, language, body language, gestures, prejudices, foods, clothing, work ethic, death and mourning rituals, marriage rituals, education, religion, traditions, holidays, and ways of celebrating. Also look for important events in history or politics that have shaped the culture.
Identify places that are a "must-see" for visitors to the country. This paper, when completed, will be a guide for the visitor to the country.
Section i: self-directed learning
: Section I: Self-directed learning:What do you think about self-directed learning in what and how we learn? Can or should all learning be self-directed, why or why not?
Determine the net present value of purchasing
: Determine the Net Present Value of purchasing the new freezer using a required rate of return of 14%. Should bravo purchase the freezer?
What price should the company charge
: In addition, the company incurs $200,000 in fixed costs annually. If demand falls to 80,000 units and the company insists on a 50% mark-up, what price should the company charge?
Significant preferences among three versions of photograph
: Do the data indicate any significant preferences among the three versions of the photograph? Test at the .05 level of significance.
Tourism in korea-in depth country review
: Choose a country that you have not lived in, nor spent more than a week in. Find at least three book sources and at least seven sources in all and begin reading about the culture of this country.
Company total net operating income
: It is estimated that $38,400 of these fixed expenses could be eliminated if the department is discontinued. These data indicate that if the department is discontinued, the company's overall net operating income would:
What is the price if a markup of total cost
: A company has $27 per unit in variable costs and $1,000,000 per year in fixed costs. Demand is estimated to be 100,000 units annually. What is the price if a markup of 40% on total cost is used to determine the price?
Prepare the correcting je that you would propose
: On February 1, 2010, Katz corp. purchased a small lot and unusable building for $12,000, including back taxes of $1,000. On March 1, 2010, the lot was cleared, paved, and fenced to provide additional parking for employees.
Workplace difficulties of women
: Develop a presentation or information paper to other managers regarding the experience of women in the workplace. The document may be in memo, PowerPoint or paper form. There is no word count requirement. Just requesting an outline for this docume..