Reference no: EM13306698
Which passages are fragment and which are sentence?
1. A total stranger to assume the job now vacant as a result of the resignation of my supervisor
2. Unless someone can drive my mother to her doctor’s appointment on Tuesday afternoon
3. The fumes in the basement giving Dylan a terrible headache during his two hours of work on the heating system.
4. On the top shelf of the bookcase sits an old leather catcher’s mitt from my father’s high school days.
5. While a group of happy children threw snowballs at each other
6. The reason for my lack of enthusiasm about the wedding being my distrust of the groom’s intentions
7. Unlike the birthday celebrations in my family, Jordan’s birthday party was an elaborate and highly planned gathering
8. Then a man in a cat mask appeared at the window of the fraternity house
9. When I begin a conversation with my girlfriend and see her lack of interest.
10. For example, several of the summer school classes filling up in the first two days of the registration period