Total number of arrangements

Assignment Help Algebra
Reference no: EM1318105

Question: If a group consists of 8 members, how many different arrangements of president and vice president are possible?

Reference no: EM1318105

Questions Cloud

Find different arrangements of distinct objects : Find different arrangements of distinct objects.
What is the probability that separates the bottom : What is the probability that separates the bottom 25 percent from the rest of the distribution.
Explaining the binary tree : The left spine of the binary tree is a path starting at root and following only left-child pointers down to a leaf. State the expected number of nodes in left spine of an n-node treap. What is the expected number of leaves in an n-node treap?
Compute the score separates the top 10% of the distribution : Scores on the Math Achievement Test form a normal distribution with a mean of u = 300 and a standard deviation of a = 100. What score separates the top 10% of the distribution from the rest.
Total number of arrangements : Total number of arrangements.
Object oriented design of a class : Object oriented design to develop a parent class known as Book which will receive the ISBN, author, title and price of book and select and print the details of all books with the price of more than $50.00.
What is the distribution of sample means : What is the distribution of sample means.
Why continuity correction is necessary : Describe why the normal distribution can be used as an approximation to binomial distribution. What conditions should be met to use the normal distribution to approximate the binomial distribution? Why is a correction for continuity essential.
Circumventing the license check : Assume the "license" is just a digitally signed file listing a hostname and expiration date; the verification key is built into the executable. How would you go about circumventing this kind of license check?


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