Total consumer surplus to those consumers

Assignment Help Business Economics
Reference no: EM1320323

Q. The accompanying table Elucidate how six consumers' willingness to pay (his or her individual marginal benefit) for one MP3 file copy of a Dr. Dre album. The marginal cost of making the file accessible to one additional consumer is constant, at zero. Consumer Individual marginal benefit

Adriana $2
Bhagesh 15
Chizuko 1
Denzel 10
Emma 5
Frank 4

a. Illustrate what would be the efficient price to charge for a download of the file?

b. All six consumers are able to download the file for free from a file-sharing service, Pantster. Which consumers will download the file? Illustrate what will be the total consumer surplus to those consumers?

c. Pantster is shut down for copyright law infringement. To facilitate download the file, consumers now have to pay $4.99 at a commercial music site. Which consumers will download the file? Illustrate what will be the total consumer surplus to those consumers? Elucidate how much producer surplus accrues to the commercial music site? Illustrate what is the total surplus? Elucidate how much surplus is lost, relative to the surplus?

Reference no: EM1320323

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