Topical antifungals and corticosteroids

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133566762

Topical antifungals and corticosteroids:

Purpose of medication class (What disease processes/disorders is it prescribed for?

Common medications within medication class (both generic/trade names)

Action of medication class (What does it do? describe it in an understandable manner)

Common side effects of medication class

Any drug-drug or drug-food interactions

Any lab values that the medication class affects (what labs need to be monitored?)

Nursing interventions & monitoring implications (i.e., VS, lab values, assessment findings)

Reference no: EM133566762

Questions Cloud

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What conditions may cause hypovolemia : What is hypovolemia? What conditions may cause hypovolemia? What are treatment options to treat hypovolemia?
Describe a critical period as a time during early postnatal : describe a critical period as a time during early postnatal life when the development and maturation of functional properties of the brain (plasticity) is


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