Reference no: EM131368502
Topic Paper #1 Due
Select from one of the three topics provided and write a topic paper based on the criteria provided below. Each student may select a topic of his or her own choosing, but the topic must be pre-approved by the course instructor. Each topic paper should be 6-8 pages in length (double-spaced).
Each topic paper should be researched with no fewer than five (5) references from at least five (5) different sources. Use the APA style for references (see Writing the Research Paper: A Handbook (2003) by Winkler and McCuen).
Grading for Topic Papers: The grading for each paper will consist of 80% for content and 20% for readability/grammar/spelling. The grading rubric is provided by your instructor and can be found in the Doc Sharing Tab.
Below is a list of possible topics for Topic Paper #1:
Security Assessments
Secure Code Reviews
Trusted Code Infrastructures
Please click on the Grading Rubric (also available in Doc Sharing) for this assignment.
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions.
See the Syllabus section "Due Dates for Assignments & Exams" for due date information.
Is this a positive for your investment in the company
: Calculate the average annual growth rates for revenue and net income using the GEOMEAN function. Is net income growing more slowly or faster than total revenue? Is this a positive for your investment in the company?
What was the purpose of the software
: Select a failed software project and run a postmortem analysis on it. You may research one yourself. In your analysis, identify the following: What was the purpose of the software?
Michael porter five forces model
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Topic paper based on the criteria provided below
: Select from one of the three topics provided and write a topic paper based on the criteria provided below. Each student may select a topic of his or her own choosing, but the topic must be pre-approved by the course instructor. Each topic paper sh..
Explain what type of innovation does new product represent
: What type of innovation does the new product represent? What kind of process do you think will be used to make the product? Would it be possible to produce a lot of the product in a short amount of time?
Discusses a toxicant that affects a target organ
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Calculate the net profit margin for each year
: Calculate the average annual growth rates for revenue and net income using the GEOMEAN function. Is net income growing more slowly or faster than total revenue? Is this a positive for your investment in the company?
Why you are interested in studying this particular company
: Mangmt 4970- Why you are interested in studying this particular company. Do you know someone in this organization? If so, provide their first and last names and position within the organization.