Topic of effective and ethical communication

Assignment Help Python Programming
Reference no: EM13945233

Task 1:

There are two (2) parts to this assignment. Part 1 happens around the time when Topic 7 (Intercultural Communication) and Topic 10 [(Ethics in the Workplace - Business Communication in the Digital Age (Extract 11)] is taught.

Part 1 blog is on the topic of Intercultural Communication.

Part 2 blog is on the topic of Effective and Ethical Communication.

Part 1: Blog Posting. You will do a short blog posting of about 500 words on non verbal intercultural communication". The objective of this blog is to allow you to exhibit your knowledge and experience in this area across cultures by citing some examples from school, workplace or home and relating them to your readings.

Part 2: Blog Posting You will do a short blog posting of about 500 words on "Effective & Ethical Communication". The objective of this blog is to allow you to reflect on a certain current news event happening and allow you to relate to what you have read in the chapter.

Task 2:

In the Resources section of the Interact2 subject website there is a data file called cars.txt. This file contains details of a valid car rego numbers. Each rego number is a six-alphanumeric such as A1B2C3. (Note: Two records in the file have intentionally been "corrupted" - for testing purposes.)

Design an algorithm and use it to write a Python program that reads the contents of the data file into a list. The program should then loop, to allow a user to check various numbers against those stored in the list. The loop should terminate when an "empty" input occurs - i.e. when the user presses the [Enter] key on its own. (Obviously this last entry should NOT be checked against the list!) If the rego number input matches an element somewhere in the list, the program should display the number together with a message saying that it IS a valid rego number. If the number input does not match any element in the list, then the program should display the number and a message saying that it IS NOT a valid rego number.

The algorithm should be written in pseudocode (structured English).

The records read from the data file should be checked and NOT placed into the list if they are something other than a 6-alphanumeric. (Display a sensible message if the file is found to have corrupt records in it.)

The numbers entered by the user should be checked to ensure they are valid alphanumeric (as distinct from valid rego numbers) and not processed further if they are not.

Your programs should use one or more functions where sensible, and be documented fully.

Use exceptions where necessary.

Specify 3 sets of test data that will demonstrate the correct ‘normal' operation of your program. Show your test data in a table as you have done in earlier assignments.

Run your program using the test data you have selected and save the output produced in a single text file.


1. Your algorithm and test data table.
2. The table recording your chosen test data.
3. Source code for your Python implementation.
4. Output test file demonstrating the results of using the test data.
5. Contents of the data file cars.txt read by the program.

It is important that the output listings are not edited in any way


Reference no: EM13945233

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