Topic of Communication Systems and Strategies

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132901928

Company - Wendy's

Each group will work together to research and write on the topic of "Communication Systems and Strategies applied by successful companies." In this Group Project, each member of the group will select a company to explain their communication systems and strategies. Group members will integrate this information into a compare and contrast style research paper. After all of the content has been disclosed by each member, the group will write a well-organized and unbiased conclusion on how effective or ineffective each company operates. This is an opportunity to see how well each group can use their critical thinking skills and write as a whole.

Cover Sheet
The cover sheet must include group member names, the names of the selected companies, the course title and number, the semester, year, instructor's name and the date of submission.

The group assignment must be 8-10 pages in length, not including the cover sheet or reference page. You must use 12-point font, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins. Three or more references must be listed in APA Format on a page at the conclusion of the assignment.

Your PowerPoint presentation should be approximately 10 - 15 slides. The presentation must include a title page with team member names, roles, and responsibilities. The presentation must include background summary of the organization. Each slide will provide a summary of the research paper and each will have an appropriate title. The use of appropriate graphics, charts, and tables is encouraged. Use one slide for references.

Attachment:- Group assigment.rar

Reference no: EM132901928

Questions Cloud

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About the ways culture impacts children behavior : Based on what you know about the ways culture impacts children's behavior, What do you think might be happening with the child in the scenario you chose?
Topic of Communication Systems and Strategies : Write on the topic of Communication Systems and Strategies applied by successful companies. In this Group Project
Evaluate your temperament : Evaluate your temperament. Describe your temperament and analyze how it may have influenced your life.
Allocate the transaction price to performance obligations : Service the system over a five-year period: fair value $0.6 million. Allocate the transaction price to the performance obligations
What is the transaction price : The contract calls for an upfront payment of $25,000 a second payment of $10,000 in March 2017, What is the transaction price
Predicting the sales based on only sales calls : Based on the data collected by the sales manager in the Copier case, it appears that she would have some difficulty predicting the sales based on only sales cal


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