Topic - Implementation of self-learning AI models

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM133141877

Assignment - Write the outline of the following topic to be completed using the given templates.

Topic - Implementation of self-learning AI models on Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS).

Abstract - The abstract should summarize the contents of the paper and should contain at least 70 and at most 200 words. It should be set in 9-point font size and should be inset 1.0 cm from the right and left margins. There should be two blank lines before and after the abstract. This document is in the required format.

1. Introduction

A. What is the topic? Why should we care?

B. Why is this topic important to investigate?

C. What have the other experts discovered about the topic? (High level overview)

D. What are the gaps? What is the problem?

E. How will this research solve this problem?

a. This research aims to use ______ to solve ______.

2. Literature Review

This section is on the background information to help to reader understand why this research's method will work.

FOR THE OUTLINE ONLY - You do an annotated bibliography (1 paragraph summary of each article that will be used in the paper).

2.1 Theme

2.2 Citations -READ ME

The list of references is headed "References" and is not assigned a number. The list should be set in small print and placed at the end of your contribution, in front of the appendix, if one exists. Please do not insert a pagebreak before the list of references if the page is not completely ?lled. An example is given at the end of this information sheet. For citations in the text please use square brackets and consecutive numbers: [1], [2], [3], etc. Use APA format in the reference section. You can choose to either have it alphabetical order or order of which it is shown in the paper.

Hypothesis at the end of your literature Review

3. Methods

A. Data

i. Where are you getting the data? Or where are you thinking you can find the data?

B. Methods plan to use

4. Results

A. What you hope to find in your research? Accept or reject the hypothesis. This Section is for statistical jargon and tables/Figures. Results are facts.

5. Discussion

Do not add New Results. This section is to apply and interpretate the results into lay terms.

Write questions you hope to answer in your research.

A. Interpretations: What do the results mean?

B. Implications: Why do the results matter? How should the reader apply these findings?

C. What stood out as interesting/unique/unexpected?

D. Limitations

a. What challenges occurred during analysis?

E. Ethics

F. Future Research

a. Are there areas of research where others can pick up and go deeper?

6. Conclusion

2 paragraphs max on the overall findings and summary of the research.

Acknowledgments - The heading should be treated as a 3 rd level heading and should not be assigned a number.

References -

1. Acciani, C., Fucilli, V., & Sardaro, R. (2011). Data mining in real estate appraisal: A model tree and multivariate adaptive regression spline approach1. Aestimum, (58), 27-45.

2. Carlucci, M., Grigoriadis, E., Venanzoni, G., & Salvati, L. (2018). Crisis-driven changes in construction patterns: Evidence from building permits in a mediterranean city. Housing Studies, 33(8), 1151-1174. doi:10.1080/02673037.2017.1421910.

3. Davanloo Tajbakhsh, S., Castillo, E. d., & Aybat, N. S. (2015). On convex optimization methods for fitting spatial statistical models to large data sets ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.

4. Development of a forecasting model to predict the downturn and upturn of a real estate market in the inland empire (2013).

5. Dheeriya, P. (2009). Modeling volatility in california real estate prices. IUP Journal of Applied Economics, 8(1), 26-38.

6. Dokko, Y., & Edelstein, R. H. (1992). Towards a real estate land use modeling paradigm. (special issue on o?ce markets). Journal of the American Real Estate & Urban Economics Association, 20(2), 199.

Appendix - Use if needed for additional information.

Reference no: EM133141877

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