Reference no: EM132582762 , Length: 1000 Words
Research Paper Assignment -
Guidelines -
You must choose one of the Mendelian autosomal recessive genetic disorders, from the provided list at the end, to do your research paper (everybody in your track must have a different genetic disorder). Choose one that you like or interest you the most: one that caches your attention.
Submit your chosen genetic disorder for approval (email me with your proposed genetic disorder for approval ASAP).
You must not start working on your research paper if your topic has not been approved yet.
Topic - Biology Research Paper on Tay-Sachs Disease
1. Title page.
2. Introduction.
What is your topic? What type of disorder is it? Explain briefly the causes and symptoms of your disorder or syndrome. What populations are most affected by it? Are there any treatments being conducted to cure this disorder/syndrome? And finally, name briefly all the sources that are going to be reviewed in this paper.
The introduction should be at least 2 paragraphs long. Always used the third person when writing this paper. Please, do not use I or me unless it is in the conclusion. Every paragraph needs to be indented.
3. Body (original research or case study)
Your actual research project will vary widely depending on the topic and on your methodological preferences. You should think about how you will do this research since there are a number of different approaches (1).
You must use any of the following scientific sources: scientific magazines, scientific studies, case studies, or scientific articles from legitimate scientific websites.
The most common type of research done for a project of this scope would be a literature review, which basically lays out a narrative of what has been written about this topic (1).
This narrative should be comparative (you compare what different researchers and writers have to say) and analytical (you should make your own comments and assessments of what the existing material reveals and also what is missing from the material you have identified in your view) (3).
4. Conclusion.
Summarize your major findings. Make certain that you directly connect this section to the introduction you wrote and to what you said you were going to do in this research. Look at the introduction and make sure that you have clearly stated in that section what you intend to do in this work. Talk about the future outlook of your disorder or syndrome.
5. Citation page (sources used).
List the major sources you consulted for this project. Footnotes can be put at the bottom of each page (1) and throughout the paper. List the sources alphabetically at the end of the paper.
Other requirements: Your paper must include:
a. An explanation of the disorder.
b. Causes.
c. Symptoms.
d. Treatments (if any).
e. Populations affected with the disorder.
f. Future outlook of the disorder.
g. Conclusion
Length: Paper must be 2 pages long if single-spaced or 4 pages long if double-spaced (this is not counting the cover page or the citation page). Number of sources: At least 5 reputable scientific sources.