Tools and techniques for computer systems security

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM132286119


1. To implement the skills and knowledge gained through the course.

2. To achieve greater awareness of the latest security tools and techniques for computer systems security.

Word length for body of report: 3000-3500 words (excludes any appendices or references)


Part A: Assignment tasks

You are to select any one scenario for your report in consultation with your tutor. Your report on the scenario should be between 3000 and 3500 words. The emphasis of the report should be related to computer systems security.

Scenario 3: Encrypting Messages

As a security consultant for Allnet Solutions you have been contacted regarding assisting them with a new project.Allnet Solutions has offices in several parts of New Zealand. Allnet Solutions have asked for your help. Create a report that lists different types of email cryptography security options that can be implemented, along with their advantages, disadvantages, and case of use. include those packages that work with Lotus Notes, Pegasus, Microsoft Outlook and Novell GroupWise. Rank the packages according to the criteria: are the easiest to use and have the most features.

1. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation summarizing your report for presentation in class

2. Be ready to discuss and demonstrate your case study findings in the class.

1. Report writing: Prepare a comprehensive report which incorporates results of investigation, discussion, implementation and analysis from previous steps. Your ability to correctly use terminologies, existing models, threat life cycle, attack steps and mitigations will be evaluated during our review. Organize your report for readability and integrity and create Appendices wherever appropriate.

2. Report should follow Unitcc's standard format (3000 - 3500 words, less than 20% quoted)
a. Title page
b. Table of contents
c. Abstract or ExecutiveSummary
d. Introduction
e. Methodology
f. Implementation
Detail discussion and analysis of chosen scenario
g. Summary and Recommendation
h. Impact of recommendation on Maori & Pacific communities.
i. Reflection
j. References (in IEEE style)
k. Presentation/Demo

3. Please use MS Word and print out a hard copy (in addition to a soft copy)

4. There will be additional quizzes during class time that may contribute to the above marking

Verified Expert

he following assignment is a report on the different email encryption techniques that can be used by a business organisation, which in this case is Allnet Solutions, a company in New Zealand. The first part of the paper assesses the options available for email security, and states the reasons and justifications of why they must be used. The report then goes on to explain, which tool should be implemented, with reasons for the same. A presentation/demo on the report has also been attached. The report has been prepared using Microsoft Office Word, while the presentation has been created with Microsoft PowerPoint.

Reference no: EM132286119

Questions Cloud

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Tools and techniques for computer systems security : Prepare a comprehensive report which incorporates results of investigation, discussion, implementation and analysis - Organize your report for readability
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4/17/2019 3:20:16 AM

Assignment Please read carefully Criteria on Report (40%) Your report will deserve an A grade when above requirements are met in full. Your reports will be marked on content, report style, and appropriate and correct English. While I will be concentrating on the quality and comprehensiveness of your report, weakness in one area will result in a B grade. Poor critiquing will receive a score no more than C grade.


4/17/2019 3:19:34 AM

Marks will be deducted if you fail to draw upon appropriate professional and academic literature in your writing andiftheassignmentisnotwrittenand presented ina professional manner.Youcanquoteother people'swork(websites, conference proceedings. industry magazines, journals, and books) provided that you cite and reference them correctly in your report. However, mostof your reportshould be your own ideas and thoughtswritten inyour words. Each quotation ortable or diagram from another sourcemust be accompanied by a discussion in your own words. For example, if you have included a table from another source then you must writeabout what you think the tableshows.whyyou have included &why it is relevant and so on. Please remember to format your report so that it is easy to discern your thoughts and ideas from your sources' thoughts and ideas.

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