To what extent customer loyalty influence marketing strategy

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131040810 , Length: 8

Assessment Literature Review

The concept of Customer Loyalty can be seen in the work of Deming and his TQM model but the modern more detailed definition was derived from the work of Storbacka, Strandvik, and Gronroos (1994) in the area of service quality models. Relationship Marketing places great emphasis on customer lifetime value. The conventional wisdom suggests that loyal customers are the most profitable but recent work by Heiner Evanschitsky and John Glanfield, both now at Aston Business School suggests that this may not always be the case. To what extent do you believe customer loyalty should influence marketing strategy?

Your essay should include at least 7-10 peer reviewed (scholarly) journal articles in addition to any textbook references.

Assessment Criteria

Literature Review and Analysis

Reference no: EM131040810

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