Reference no: EM13477998
1. According to Cudd and Jones, the term 'sexism' refers to which of the following?
a. The widely held belief that women are inferior to men and deserve less.
b. Anything that makes women less well-off than men.
c. Anything that involves treating men and women differently.
d. The unjustified systemic disadvantage faced by women.
2. According to Frye, what is a double bind?
a. The double bind is a kind of knot used by sailors.
b. It is situation where one is bound by multiple social forces and has no choice in what to do.
c. It is a situation where choices are reduced to a few, and all of those choices have badoutcomes.
d. It is a situation where the choices of an oppressor bind the oppressed.
3. What is the purpose of Frye's discussion of the custom of men opening doors for women?
a. To illustrate the difference between macroscopic and microscopic modes of analysis.
b. To show that some customs based on gender are okay when helpful.
c. To illustrate an example of a double bind.
d. To show that if a man ever opens a door for a woman, he is being sexist.
4. Which of the following best characterizes the role of sex in advertising according to Bordo?
a. Sex sells, so putting attractive members of the opposite sex near product will lead to positive attitudes toward the product.
b. Women's eating serves as a metaphor for sexual experience, while men's sexual appetite is a metaphor for their hunger.
c. Sex doesn't really play a noticeable role in advertising, which is about getting information about a product into the world.
d. Sexual desire is natural for men so it is openly depicted, but for women such desire must be hidden through subtle hints.