To identify and apply the principle of organizational change

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131525871

Create a 10 12 page Powerpoint dicussing elemets of change. SOme of the insrtuctions are below. Once handshake is complete, will email reflection essay and additional instructions.

Final Project


The Final Project for this course is the creation of a Change Leader PowerPoint Presentation. The Change Leader PowerPoint Presentation will outline how you intend to incorporate our course learning into your career, and role as a change leader.

The final product represents an authentic demonstration competency, because it will address the application of Kotter and Cohen's eight-step change model to lead change within a specific organization.

The project will be completed as One Milestone, which will be submitted in Module Eleven. You are strongly advised to apply the feedback from the eight change blogs to your Final Project.


To successfully complete this project, you will be expected to apply what you have learned in this course and should include the following course outcomes:

To understand the factors that must exist in order to facilitate "lasting or long term" change

To identify and apply the principles of organizational change

To utilize Kotter and Cohen's eight-step model to effectively lead change

To apply several change theories to a variety of cases in order for students to "test" the application of theory to practice

To develop an understanding of the role that vision and strategy both play in developing and successfully implementing large-scale change

To identify and appreciate the scope involved in facilitating transformational change

To gain an understanding of how organizational change is achieved

To enhance personal capabilities and abilities for navigating change in our lives.Main Elements

The main element of this project will include a 10- to 12-slide PowerPoint presentation that shares how you will apply our course learning in your career as a change leader.

The PowerPoint presentation will incorporate how you will apply the strategies learned in this course into your role as a change leader, including the following:

• How you will address Change Concepts, specifically the "drivers of change" within your organization and industry, and the reasons that individuals resist change (anger, fear, and complacency)

• How you will monitor your organization's capacity for change (also referred to as "change readiness")

• How you will train your organization on Kotter and Cohen's eight-step change model, including use of the change fable and field guide

• How you will utilize Kotter and Cohen's eight-step change model to lead change within your organization

• Any additional issues and/or concepts that further enlightened you as a change leader


Milestone One: Change Leader PowerPoint Presentation

In Task 11-2, you will submit a Change Leader PowerPoint Presentation. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all the main elements of the final product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course on all tasks. This milestone will be graded using the Final Product Rubric.


Requirements of submission: In a professional career, one may be called upon to conduct research and deliver findings in professional settings.

No matter how extensive the research or accurate the conclusions, a weak presentation can undermine an argument.

A presentation is a tool to assist in making an argument. When creating presentations, students develop skills in researching an issue, synthesizing the information, organizing data logically, and presenting findings in an effective manner.

Principles of an Effective Presentation:

• You may utilize a product such as Microsoft's PowerPoint or Google Presentation to create your presentations.

• There are various template designs that you can find on the web for your presentation. However, first consider your presentation from the perspective of your audience prior to selecting a specific style.

Distracting backgrounds, large blocks of text, all uppercase fonts, elaborate font styles, grammatical errors, and misspellings are distracting.

Be consistent with the style of text, bullets, and sub-points in order to support a powerful presentation that allows your content to be the focus.

• Each slide should include your key point(s). Do not place large blocks of text on the visual. Your presentation is not a means of presenting a short paper. In an actual presentation you would not "read" from your slides but rather use them as prompts.

• Any notes or narration you would use in delivering this presentation to a group should be listed in the "notes" section of the slide.

• References should be listed at the bottom of the slide in slightly smaller text.

• Use clip art, AutoShapes, pictures, charts, tables, and diagrams to enhance but not overwhelm your content.

• Be mindful of the intended audience and seek to assess the presentation's effectiveness by gauging audience comprehension (when possible).

Reference no: EM131525871

Questions Cloud

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To identify and apply the principle of organizational change : To understand the factors that must exist in order to facilitate "lasting or long term" change.To identify and apply the principles of organizational change.
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